EDP invests in Espírito Santo and inaugurates substation in São Mateus
With the new structure, more than 40 thousand inhabitants of the municipality will be benefited
Vitória, February 27, 2018 - Acting in advance to the growth and development of the cities in its concession area, allowing greater operational flexibility and better quality of service, EDP Espírito Santo starts the operation of the Power Substation Electric Guriri, built in the resort of São Mateus.
With an investment of R$ 5.5 million, the Substation entered into operation in the month of February, initially, with a transformer of a force of 34.5 / 15 kV - 12.5 MVA and a sector of 15 kV composed of 03 feeders, benefiting more than 40 thousand inhabitants.
At the contribution to the Guriri Substation follows EDP investment plan in Espírito Santo. And, to ensure user satisfaction, the Company has strengthened investments in the concession area in recent years. In 2017, up to September, over R$ 200 million were invested in expansion, modernization and maintenance of the network in the State.
"The construction, expansion and modernization of substations and lines of distribution are fundamental to support the increase in demand and assure the economic growth of the State, guaranteeing the provision of the market, enhancing reliability and improving the quality of the energy supply under high technical conditions and security, "said João Brito, director of EDP.
In order to guarantee the service quality, SE Guriri, as well as all substations of the Concessionaire, are fully automated and are in accordance with the strong positioning of the group in sustainability, minimizing environmental effects that your operation may cause, such as the implementation of containment basins for oil as an example.
All the Concessionaire substations are remotely monitored from the System Operation Center (COS), located in Carapina, in the Serra region. It is from the COS, operating 24 hours, that communication is made direct with the field teams, giving efficiency in the service to 1.5 million customers. From this center, too, it is possible to monitor in real time the electrical network that supplies the entire distributor concession area, and also provide metro-logical analysis support.
Recognition and Customer Service
At the residential consumers of EDP Espírito Santo elected the company as one of the three best energy distributors in the Southeast region in the award IASC 2017 - Aneel Index of Customer Satisfaction. The prize, awarded annually by the Brazilian National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), is granted on the basis of an opinion poll with people from all over Brazil.
Ato establish the winners, 24,926 clients were interviewed. 584 cities served by 96 concessionaires and licensees. Disclosed by ANEEL since 2000, the IASC survey depicted the level of satisfaction with the quality of services provided by the distributors of electric energy, with the purpose of stimulating the search for continuous improvement.
At the Company has also expanded and created new tools to facilitate communication with the consumer, such as EDP Online, with a complete portal of services (www.edponline.com.br) and app, in addition to SMS service.
"Our goal is to provide customers with a faster, easier and free access to EDP Espírito Santo information and services. We want to be close to consumers and serve them in the most efficient and fast way, " highlights Brito.
Check all the services available on EDP Online (web and the app):
\ - 2nd Path of Accession Contract
\ - Cadastral Amendment
\ - Change of delivery address
\ - Choose the due date of the invoice
\ - Energy bill automatic debit
\ - Email account
\ - 2nd Way of account
\ - Debit payment agreement
\ - Read report
\ - Reclamation of voltage level
\ - Reconnection of energy
\ - Statements
\ - Change of model
\ - Change of load
- Contract termination
\ - Request for compensation
- Tree pruning
- Lack of energy
\ - Post and network removal
\ - Debit grouping for payment
\ - New residential and commercial connection at low voltage (127⁄220 volts)
\ - New connection in medium voltage (11,400 / 13,200 / 13,800 volts)
\ - Altering the Responsibility of Medium Voltage Clients (11,400 / 13,200 / 13,800 volts)
\ - Cancellation of collection of Third Party Values
\ - New interface, more beautiful, simple and intuitive
- General information
\ - Information on Tariff Banners
\ - Debits
\ - Paid Invoices
- History of consumption
- Chargeable services
- Progress of requests
- Partial invoice balance
Learn how the EDP channel works by SMS
Customers can send messages to the distributor on the number 33737 for:
Ato report lack of energy, with the text ENERGY + n° of > installation;
Bar code request for electricity bill payment, with > text ** Account + installation no. **;
Request for the reconnection of energy, with the text ** Religa + n ° da > installation **.