EDP will recognize and train nine institutions in the Impact Lab

Wednesday 24, November 2021

The initiative seeks to engage organizations to adopt a culture of mediation and expansion of social and environmental impact


To foster initiatives capable of transforming people's lives through positive social and environmental impact, EDP Brasil launches the EDP Impact Lab.  The initiative seeks to engage social organizations, impact businesses and EDP partners to adopt a culture of impact mediation. The first institutions selected are: Local Economic Development Agency (ADEL), Associação Amigos da Justiça Cidadania Educação e Arte [Association of Friends of Justice Citizenship Education and Art], Associação dos Amigos da Arte [Association of Friends of Art] – AAMARTE, Associação Um Litro de Luz Brasil [Association Um Litro de Luz Brasil], Atitude Inicial [Initial Attitude], Phomenta Institute, Verdescola Institute, Instituto Futebol de Rua [Street Football Institute], and Moradigna.


The program will help organizations make the best decisions to reach their goals, manage the social and environmental impacts and build thesis for change. In this way, participating institutions will be able to define impact indicators and targets, as well as to develop plans to expand their effects on society.


“We live in a moment in which social organizations carry out fundamental actions, generating opportunities in several areas. Thus, the Impact Lab intends to help participating institutions to expand their knowledge about their actions and better measure their impacts. This will provide countless benefits for an even greater number of people and, above all, greater independence for these organizations in the long term”, highlights Dominic Schmal, Director of Sustainability and the EDP Institute.


The impact generated by these organizations is directly related to social challenges faced by the communities where EDP operates, bringing solutions to areas of energy inclusion, education, income generation, among others. This is the case of Litro de Luz (Liter of Light), an organization that brings solar lighting to communities without access to energy or without street light. Moradignan, on the other hand, brings a different solution to the topic of energy inclusion through packages for renovation of houses that improve unhealthy conditions and electrical risk.


In the pillar of cultural, sporting and educational inclusion of young people in vulnerable situations, the organizations AAMARTE, Instituto Futebol de Rua were selected.

 and Instituto Verdescola, which operate in different regions of Brazil. While the Associação Amigos da Justiça Cidadania Educação e Arte , has a partnership with EDP focused on the inclusion of elderly people.


Regarding organizational strengthening and entrepreneurship, the highlights are Adel, which works with entrepreneurship among young people and farmers, the Phomenta Institute, which focuses on strengthening civil society organizations, and Atitute Inicial, which will develop a community vegetable garden project in transmission lines.


The Impact Lab will last for nine months. Each institution will report on performance against impact indicators on a quarterly basis. Opportunities will also be offered to develop and present action plans to enhance results as well as financial sustainability.


At the end of the program, EDP will recognize partners with the “impact bonus” based on the social and environmental impact generated by each institution. In addition, each organization will be able to present an Action Plan to Escalate Impact that will be evaluated by the EDP team to identify opportunities for continuity and expansion of the initiative in the next cycles.


Selected projects


Local Economic Development Agency (ADEL): seeks to promote the local development of rural communities in the Sertão of the Brazilian Northeast through entrepreneurship and the social protagonism of young people and farmers.


Associação Amigos da Justiça Cidadania Educação e Arte: non-profit organization with assistance and philanthropic objectives that operates in the municipalities of Aracruz, Ibiraçu and João Neiva (ES).


Associação dos Amigos da Arte – AAMARTE: non-profit organization that aims to promote social cultural inclusion in Ceará.


Associação Um Litro de Luz Brasil: takes solar lighting to communities without access to energy or without street light through poles, lamps and solar solutions made up of materials such as PET bottles, PVC pipes, solar panels, batteries and LEDs.


Atitude Inicial: carries out Social Responsibility projects to promote social and technical development in order to awaken protagonist and autonomous action in the positive transformation of realities.


Instituto Futebol de Rua: a non-profit organization with centers throughout Brazil that uses sport, education and culture as tools for human development.


Phomenta Institute: impact business that brings recognition and education in management and innovation to Civil Society Organizations.


Instituto Verdescola: serves 1,000 beneficiaries daily in Complementary Education (4 to 14 years), Free and Professional Courses (15+ years), Social Support to extremely socially vulnerable families, in addition to carrying out Environmental Preservation actions.


Moradigna: offers packages to renovate homes with quality, security and ease of payment, seeking to change the lives of millions of Brazilians who live in unhealthy conditions.


About EDP Brasil

Present in the country for over 20 years, EDP is one of the largest private companies in the electricity sector operating throughout the value chain. With more than 10,000 direct and outsourced employees, the Company has businesses in Generation, Transmission, and Energy Services Solutions aimed at the B2B market, such as solar generation, electric mobility and the free energy market. In Distribution, it serves about 3.6 million customers in São Paulo and Espírito Santo, in addition to being the main shareholder of Celesc, in Santa Catarina. In 2021, it was elected for the second consecutive year the most innovative company in the electricity sector by the Valor Inovação ranking, by the Valor Econômico newspaper, and is a reference in ESG, appearing for 15 years in the B3 Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE).

About IEDP

Since it was founded in 2009, the EDP Institute has invested more than R$130 million in social cultural projects that benefited more than 3 million people, in approximately 450 programs spread across the country. Only in 2020, the initiatives supported by the organization favored more than 400 thousand residents of the communities surrounding the Company's areas of operation. The Instituto EDP is responsible for structuring EDP's investments and social initiatives on fronts related to the valorization of the Portuguese Language, education, local development with income generation, entrepreneurship and volunteering, by means of sports, culture and health.