The two best hydroelectric plants in Brazil belong to EDP, points out ANEEL

Wednesday 24, June 2020

Peixe Angical and Lajeado plants lead the ranking of the regulatory body. Mascarenhas HPP is also among the 10 best in the country

The Peixe Angical and Lajeado Hydroelectric Plants, controlled by EDP, were appointed by the National Agency of Electrical Energy (Aneel) as the two best in Brazil. Besides them, the Mascarenhas HPP, also managed by EDP, appears among the top 10 positions in the ranking. The regulatory body evaluated 148 power generation plants in the inspection campaign carried out in 2019 and 2020.

Peixe Angical HPP, located in Tocantins, scored 99.40 in the general ranking, with a maximum score in five of the six topics listed: environment, safety, operation management, maintenance management and operation and maintenance. UHE Lajeado, also located in Tocantins, received the highest score in four of them. UHE Mascarenhas, in Espírito Santo, ranked eighth on the list. Monitoring took place in two distinct stages, between December 2019 and April 2020.

This is the second consecutive year in which a plant managed by EDP appears in the first place in the ranking. Last year, UHE Lajeado occupied the first place.

Aneel's DARDO Operational Performance Inspection Campaign evaluates whether the service provided by the plants corresponds to the level of operational performance defined by the agency. With an installed capacity of 93,327.35 MW, which is equivalent to about 54% of the national generation capacity, the hydroelectric plants dispatched centrally have a fundamental role in the energy security of the National Interconnected System (SIN), both from the point of view of the operation integrated and energy planning.

“It is with great satisfaction that we received recognition from Aneel. Having in our portfolio the two best hydroelectric plants in the country and a third among the ten best shows us that all the effort in search of the application of the best practices of sustainability and operational safety has been rewarded”, says Luiz Otávio Henriques, vice president of Generation, Transmission and Marketing of EDP.


About Peixe Angical HPP

With installed capacity of 498.75 MW and located in the municipality of Peixe, 290 kilometers from Palmas, Tocantins, HPP Peixe Angical started its operation in 2006. The project is operated by Enerpeixe, a company owned by EDP (60%) and Furnas (40%).

About Lajeado HPP

With an installed capacity of 902.5 MW, HPP Lajeado, built on the Tocantins River, operates with run-of-river. Considered the best hydroelectric plant in Brazil in Aneel's ranking in 2019, the Plant is a benchmark in safety and sustainability, being certified in ISO 55001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, which attest to its excellence in asset management; the quality of the services provided; in environmental management and in the management of health and safety at work.

About EDP in Brazil

With over 20 years of experience, EDP is one of the largest private companies in the electricity sector operating throughout the value chain. The Company, which has over 10,000 direct and outsourced employees, operates in Transmission, Trading and Energy Services and has six hydroelectric generation units and one thermal power station. In Distribution, it serves about 3.5 million customers in São Paulo and Espírito Santo, in addition to being the main shareholder of Celesc, in Santa Catarina. In Brazil, it is a reference in areas such as Innovation, Governance and Sustainability, having been in the B3´s Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) for 14 consecutive years.