
Paranaitá (MT) / Jacarareacanga (PA) - Teles Pires River

Installed Capacity

700 MW

Operation Start 

May 2018

Concession Term

35 years


General data

  • Name: São Manoel HPP
  • Owning Company: EDP/CTG/Furnas
  • Hydrographic Basin: Amazon Basin
  • Supplying Reservoir: Teles Pires River

Physical features

  • Usable tank volume (Hm³): 577.22
  • Dam type: Rockfill
  • Power station type: Hydroelectric
  • Number of alternators: 4
  • Turbine Type: Kaplan

Energy features

  • Net power (MW): 424.5 MWmed
  • Average energy production/year: 3.718.62 GWh
  • Number of groups: 4
  • Equipment maximum flow: 700 MW






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    São Manoel HPP