To reach the objective of consolidate EDP’s presence in the Brazilian Market, committed to generate value in a sustainable way, we focus on three pillars: Oriented Growth, Controlled Risk, and Superior efficiency. In executing our strategy, we take advantage of a Balanced Scorecard Management that helps us translate this strategy into actionable plans of divided in four perspectives: finance; costumer; internal; learning, and growth. This process is based in three factors; innovation in the value chain, integrating sustainability into business and assure a continuous improvement in the quality of our management.
Oriented Growth
In the Market perspective, we aim to become one of the strongest and most balanced operators in Brasil. To achieve this, EDP grows it’s business portfolio, mostly in generation, as well as growing the sale of energy and commerce services, alongside the growing distribution market. In learning and growth, it directs the investment in human capital focused in value.
Controlled Risk
To assure the creation of shareholder value, we sustain a high standard of corporate governance and sustainability. This includes keeping under control the risk of financial and regulatory markets. For that goal we take support from management systems aligned with the strategy, internal and external communication.
Superior Efficiency
With the goal of increasing the quality and efficiency of our operations, our programmes follow a strong discipline of investment, looking to maximize operational efficiency and assure a continuous improvement in the quality of management. Following this guideline involves strengthening the brand and companies that make up the EDP Group and promoting a culture focused on value.