Stakeholder Engagement
EDP Brasil continuously seeks cooperation and dialogue with its stakeholders to ensure the sustainable development of the Company and its partners.
In its Stakeholder Management Policy, it maintains the commitment to engage in continuous dialogue with all interested parties. Aiming at building relationships of trust, it provides channels for consultation and communication with its stakeholders to enable shared knowledge and information, identifying potential opportunities for cooperation.
The mapping of EDP Brasil’s stakeholders follows the global model of stakeholder segmentation. In synergy with the other Group companies, the public relations are mapped based on the Global Stakeholders Management standard and the AA1000 Accountability Standard, a model divided into four main groups: Market, Democracy, Social and Territorial Organization and Value Chain.
“Client: our reason for being” is one of the principles that integrate the organizational culture of EDP Brasil. Its biggest purpose is to take the energy to always take better care of its 8.8 million customers in its concession area.
In order to increase service satisfaction and reduce complaints rates, EDP has multidisciplinary working groups to analyze customer demands and market trends. Continuous improvement actions involve measures to combat losses and implementation of new service technologies. In this aspect, digital services such as the Virtual Agency and the EDP Application stand out, the only one in the segment that offers chat with attendants to obtain information and clarification of doubts.
In order to measure customer satisfaction, it uses annual and biannual surveys carried out by accredited institutions, such as the Brazilian Association of Electric Power Distributors (Abradee) and ANEEL itself.
EDP Brasil constantly seeks community engagement in the processes of construction and operation of its Generation and Distribution assets. It conducts local research and studies, meetings with networks of community leaders and NGO representatives, public hearings, site visits, and provides social networking channels (Facebook, Twitter), press services and communication channels (0800 and offices locations).
The distributors, EDP São Paulo and EDP Espírito Santo, have partnerships with municipalities to encourage the registration of customers in the Social Tariff, helping reduce delinquency. The Social Tariff, a program established by Federal Law No. 12,212 /2010, consists of discounts on the energy bill for families with monthly income per capita less than or equal to half the national minimum wage.
EDP also values the sustainable development of local communities. In this sense, it executes the actions required in the enterprise license programs, taking into account the programs created by the regulator to improve or maintain access to electricity and consumer assistance services. In addition, it encourages entrepreneurship and volunteering through its own initiatives coordinated by the EDP Institute (IEDP), which acts as a collaborative relationship platform with initiatives aimed at education, local development, environment and social innovation, favoring both the community and the business.
Safe use of energy
“Life always in first place” is the principle that guides all EDP Brasil operations. Therefore, it undertakes several campaigns to guide the population on the safe use of electric energy, acting with the community in the prevention of accidents.
Addressing topics such as flying kites in places and with inadequate materials and prevention of accidents with electric shocks on rainy days, it carries information aimed at the safety of its customers through radios, newspapers and TVs, electric light bills, website and social networks, as well as the digital murals and brochures available at the service outlets.
EDP Brasil has material suppliers and service providers for all segments - Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Commercialization, Energy Services and administrative areas. Whenever possible, local companies are prioritized in order to contribute to economic development around the operations.
The supplier management model covers everything from the basic database to the monitoring and development of EDP partners. The relationship with suppliers starts at the registration stage, when companies register their data and portfolios on the EDP Brasil website. The information is evaluated by an independent organization, which verifies tax, environmental and social regularity with government agencies, as well as aspects of socio-environmental responsibility. Only after this approval can EDP select the possible supplier.
The chosen ones are then segmented according to socio-environmental risk criteria and based on the complexity and impact of their operations for the business. Subsequently, they are classified among skilled, specialized, partners and allies.
During the contractual period, trading partners are evaluated through the Supplier Performance Index (IDF), which considers fulfillment in performance, innovation and sustainability, consolidating and disseminating results by quarter. Annually, all suppliers that make up the IDF are evaluated by independent auditors.