Traveling exhibition "Energy of the Portuguese Language" arrives at Linhares

Wednesday 23, August 2017

Between August 24th and 27th, the Portuguese Language Truck will be in the City; Linhares is the last stop in the state

EDP, a company that operates in the areas of generation, distribution, commercialization, transmission and energy solutions, presents the interactive exhibition on wheels "The Energy of the Portuguese Language" in Linhares from August 24th to 27th. It is an exhibition that will feature various activities related to our language. On the 24th and 25th from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., the opening is only for schools with guided tours. On Saturday and Sunday, 26th and 27th, the free exhibition will be open to the public from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The Portuguese Language Truck left the Ibirapuera Park in the capital of S‹o Paulo and was parked in the 15th edition of Flip - Literary Festival In Paraty in July. Soon after, the truck passed by Cachoeiro de Itapemirim (August 10th to 13th) and Vit—ria (August 17th to 20th), where it attracted more than 2,700 people. Now it arrives in Linhares to say goodbye to Esp’rito Santo.

Using the mobile structure of a truck, the exhibition will have at total 300 square meters and will let visitors know more about countries that speak the Portuguese language, the peculiarities and differences from Portuguese spoken in Brazil to the one spoken in Portugal and trivia about common expressions of this language, considered the fifth most widely spoken language of world and the most used in the southern hemisphere.

"We received the Truck of the Portuguese Language in our region ith great enthusiasm. This project of EDP, which is very successful wherever it goes, already received nearly 6,000 visits, and continues to disseminate the importance of valuing our cultural heritage, "says Jo‹o Brito, director of EDP Esp’rito Santo.

The project carried out by EDP Brasil will allow visitors to immerse themselves in in the culture and art from the Portuguese-speaking countries, with a special emphasis on exchanges between Brazil and Portugal. Finally, EDP invites the participants to donate books, which will be delivered to institutions.

Clean energy
Clean energy will be present with the use of photo-voltaic solar panels on truck roof. LED panels are also planned throughout all the exhibition, reminding that the action aims to emphasize the importance of the preservation of natural resources and the benefits of efficient use of energy.


The internal space of the itinerant Project has several fun and interactive activities with the Portuguese language:

  • Manifesto: On the entrance, it will be exposed on the wall like a carpet and will reveal all actions that will happen in the truck.

  • The Portuguese Language in the World, experience the energy of being there : visitors will know the ten nations that speak the Portuguese language through the culture of each one. In a 360 ¡ display, countries can be visited. Like a rose of the winds, there will be the name of each country and, on the wall, pictures and curious expressions.

  • Timeline Brazil X Portugal: At this station the visitor will have the opportunity to know more about famous poems from both countries, with access to the authors information, date, style, among other curiosities.

  • Accent Generator: The visitor can dub parts of poems with an accent they choose: Portugal or other states in Brazil and share on your social networks.

  • A Language Full of Energy and History: it will show and explain the meaning of expressions that we use every day: bicho de sete cabeas (seven-headed animal); as paredes tm ouvidos (the walls have ears); p™r a m‹o no fogo (put your hand over the fire) and so many others.

  • Spelling Bee: The visitor will have to spell words from our language, randomly selected by a vending machine . If you manage, you win a book.

  • EDP and the Museum of the Portuguese Language: From the Museum of Portuguese Language to Linhares, from Linhares to the Museum. A panel installed inside the truck will show photos and information about the Museum reconstruction.

  • Recite your Poem: To get out of the truck, we will have the participants invited reciting a poem. These fragments will become a video which will be posted on EDP social networks.

  • External area: Outdoor activities will promote cover face with book covers, exclusive poster production with favorite literary citation of the visitor, reading environment with bookcase stuffed with books, pouffes and chairs. At night, the LED panel will turn into a movie screen, in which classics inspired by the Brazilian literature Palavra Encantada and L’ngua: Vidas em Portugus will be screened. The panel will also reproduce information about the route of the exhibition with an info-graphic, with the number of people who have been through the itinerant project and the covered cities.

Sponsorships in support of the Portuguese Language 

The Portuguese language is a heritage that unites countries where they speak the same language and establishes a special connection between Portuguese and Brazilian cultures. EDP Brasil invests in creative expressiveness to promote this cultural union and is the Master sponsor of the Language Museum Restoration.

Its collection, the intangible heritage of language, continues to be celebrated with activities such as the itinerant project, which will display photos and information on the Museum reconstruction. EDP Brasil, as Master sponsor in restoration, is investing R$ 20 million in three years. The opening is scheduled for 2019. "The Energy of the Portuguese Language "also presents content developed in partnership with Roberto Marinho Foundation (FRM).

EDP Brasil also supported the 15th edition of Flip - Festival International Literary Conference of Paraty, which took place between July 26th and 30th.

Schedule of the traveling exhibition in Linhares

Energy of the Portuguese Language

Location: Praa 22 de agosto
Period: August 24th to 27th

On the 24th and 25th, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., exclusive opening for schools with guided tours. And on August 26th and 27th, the exhibition will be open to the general public, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.