São Manoel Hydroelectric Plant initiates test operations
Start-up was scheduled for July 2018; generated energy will be traded to strengthen the system
The S‹o Manoel Hydroelectric Power Plant was connected to the National Interconnected System (SIN) on December 5, when test operations on the plant first hydroelectric turbine were initiated, anticipating the deadline (May 2018) laid out in the electricity trading agreements for the regulated market (CCEAR). The venture is a partnership between CTG Brasil, EDP Brasil, and Furnas Centrais ElŽtricas.
Built on the Teles Pires River, on the border of Mato Grosso and Par‡, the plant is a run-of-the-river project - a system in which energy is generated with virtually no water storage. The works began in September 2014, with an overall investment, up to the third quarter, of R$3.3 billion. There will be four generating units, each with an installed capacity of 175 megawatts (MW), totaling 700 MW - enough to serve a population of about 2.5 million people.
"We continue working ahead of schedule for the other three machines", says Empresa de Energia S‹o Manoel CEO Luiz Otavio Henriques. Ê
The Commercial Operation Statement (DCO) is expected in the coming weeks, issued by the National Electricity Agency (ANEEL), which will allow the plant to trade energy and strengthen the system. The long-term sales agreements signed when the project was auctioned must be complied with only from May 2018 onwards, and therefore the volume produced until then will be sold in the short-term market. or through bilateral agreements.
About EDP Brasil
With more than 20 years experience in Brazil,EDP Brasil is now worth over R$9 billion - three times more than when it became a publicly - traded company in 2015. It employs about 10,000 workers(direct and outsourced) and operates 14 hydroelectric generation units and 1 thermoelectric plant,totaling 2.8 gigawatts(GW) of installed capacity.The company serves more than 3.3 million customers in the Distribution segment(EDP S‹o Paulo and EDP Esp’rito Santo) and has an intense activity in the Services and Trading areas.It is one of the five largest private companies in the electricity sector,operating in all segments of the electricity value chain(Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Trading and Solutions).It is a leading company in areas such as Governance and Sustainability,and it has been listedfor 12 consecutive years on the B3 Corporate Sustainability Index.More recently,EDP Brasil has become a digital transformation pioneer by being the first company in the electricity sector to implement automation processes. /p>
CTG Brasil
Created in 2013, CTG Brasil is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Three Gorges Corporation. With investments in 17 hydroelectric plants and 11 wind farms, CTG Brasil portfolio has a total installed capacity of 8.27 GW. The second largest private energy producer in the country, CTG Brasil relies on the dedication of local talent and is committed to contributing to the Brazilian energy system, based on social responsibility and respect for the environment. For more information visit: www.ctgbr.com.br
Eletrobras Furnas
One of the most important Eletrobras subsidiaries, FURNAS is a company engaged in energy generation, transmission and trading, with assets in 15 Brazilian states and in the Federal District. In partnership with state-owned and private companies, Furnas is involved in projects of vital importance to the Brazilian electrical system, ensuring wider electricity supply across the country. Its generation portfolio includes 20 hydroelectric plants, three wind farms and two conventional thermoelectric units, totaling an installed capacity of 17,303 MW. The FURNAS transmission portfolio comprises 71 substations with a transformation capacity of of 120,000 MVA, and about 26,000 Km of transmission lines.