Over 2 thousand students can visit EDP’s “Good Energy” truck in Lorena

Monday 01, April 2019

Local state school students will have the opportunity to visit the laboratory-truck from April 1-5; The laboratory-truck will teach students how to use electricity safely and efficiently

Over two thousand students from Lorena will be able to visit the laboratory-truck and take part in its activities through April 5. The program is part of the Boa Energia nas Escolas project (Good Energy in Schools) by EDP, a regional energy distributor. The initiative addresses issues related to about safe and efficient use of electricity, teaching primary school students in a playful and entertaining manner.

At the laboratory-truck, students will take part in a series of experiments and gain practical experience in a number of areas, such as protecting natural resources, types of energy generation, safety when flying kites near the power grid and how to make the best use of electrical equipment.

After visiting the laboratory-truck, the participants receive a kit with a comic book, stickers with energy-saving tips and a miniature Good Energy truck that can be assembled in classrooms. The project includes a 40-hour course for teachers selected schools to ensure all participants can take full advantage of the material presented. The course provides guidance on teaching methods for the specific subjects the project addresses.

At the project is part of the company’s Energy Efficiency Program (PEE); it uses the PROCEL Education methodology and is regulated by ANEEL (National Electrical Energy Agency).

Check out the attractions featured in the laboratory-truck:

Interactive panel and model home - a panel showing the main rooms and household appliances, simulating energy consumption;

Van der Graff Generator - has a hair-raising effect on anyone who touches the dome while insulated from earth, as their hair becomes electrified with charges of the same polarity, which in turn repel one another;

Conductive and insulating materials - demonstrating that the path of an electrical circuit is not necessarily entirely metallic, but can include other conductive material;

Plasma Globe - an experiment demonstrating how the body can be an electrical conductor;

Nerve Test - the challenge is to complete the course without touching the wire. If the ring touches the wire, the circuit will close and trigger a light and a buzzer;

Manual Generator - students pedal a bicycle that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy. The energy produced lights up several LED light bulbs;

Solar Energy Panel - A photovoltaic cell captures solar energy which is transformed into electrical energy. The energy this produces will spin a colored disc, also known as a Newton disc, which creates a visual effect as it rotates.

Tariff Flags Stoplight - Tariff Flags are signposted on a stoplight to streamline the learning experience and indicate the current month tariff flag.

Participating schools

E.M. Geraldo José Alckmin

E.M. Pres. Jânio da Silva Quadros

E.M. PROFª. Lucia Maria Vilar Barbosa

E.M. PROFª. Maria Antonieta Arantes Ferreira

E.M. PROFª. Adelina Alves Ferraz

E.M. Leda Maria Bilard de Carvalho


E.M. PROF. Francisco Prudente de Aquino