More than 70,000 clients were benefited with energy efficiency program

Thursday 02, February 2017

Company has allocated R$ 23 million to initiatives that encourage the replacement of inefficient equipment and installing solar panels.

The Energy Efficiency Program of EDP, a company that operates in energy generation, distribution, commercialization and solutions, contributed to a consumption reduction of more than 70,000 customers in concession areas in the states of S‹o Paulo and Esp’rito Santo in 2016.

In total, 18,500 megawatts-hour (MWh) of energy were saved with projects for the regularization of consumer units, the replacement of obsolete equipment, the donation of more efficient lamps and the implementation of solar heating systems in residential homes. This led to a decrease in consumers bills of R$ 3.9 million. The volume saved would be enough to supply a city of 117,000 inhabitants for a month.

"In 2016, energy efficiency has been in the spotlight for both companies and families. With investments in the area, EDP wants to to encourage residents of communities close to its operations to to use energy in a conscious and efficient way, diffusing concepts of socio-environmental responsibility and balancing domestic budgets,". During the year, the company invested R$ 23.2 million in projects and initiatives focused on energy efficiency.

Projects implemented in 2016

The Boa Energia na Comunidade and Agentes da boa energia stood out as the Company main programs last year, benefiting 45,700 customers. Developed with a focus on low income families, the initiatives promote the need for the appropriate and safe use of electricity, replacing inefficient light bulbs and showers. In addition, safer equipment is installed in the connection between the network and consumer homes.

Quality information is one of the main tools available to promote the use of natural resources in the best possible way. That is why Boa Energia nas Escolas also proved to be a relevant contribution to energy efficiency projects in 2016, by providing teaching materials to train educators in institutions. Teachers passed on tips to 15,600 students in hundreds of schools in EDP concession areas.

On the other hand, Boa Energia Solar involved the donation and installation of solar heating systems to replace electric showers, which are the biggest users of electricity in residential homes. The kit consists of collector plates, reservoirs, intelligent showers and all the necessary infrastructure. Families also received LED bulbs, intensifying the project benefits, which served 50 families in the concession areas in S‹o Paulo.