Miguel Setas selected as among the best CEOs in Brazil by Forbes Magazine

Wednesday 15, June 2016

Miguel Setas, CEO of EDP Brasil, was elected as one of the most influential Brazilian entrepreneurs, making the list of "The Best CEOs in Brazil," in Forbes magazine. In total, 34 executives have been recognized for excellence in their business area, based on recommendations from the most relevant auditing companies in the country.

Miguel Setas celebrates a solid 10-year career in the EDP Group, which started in Portugal in 2006. Already at EDP Brasil, the CEO started his activities in 2008 as Vice-President, and since then he has had experience in the company main areas of activity: generation, distribution and marketing of energy, having assumed the presidency in 2014. Miguel Setas has a diverse career, which began as a consultant at McKinsey & Co. and with later experience in gas, oil, telecommunications and transportation.

The executive is Vice-Chairman of EDP Board of Directors in Brazil and a member, since 2015, of the Executive Administrative Board of EDP in Portugal. In São Paulo, he also chairs the Portuguese Chamber of Trade and Eurochambers.

EDP Brasil

Present in eight states (São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Tocantins, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Ceará, Pará and Amapá), EDP Brasil is an integrated reference company with operations in the areas of generation, distribution and marketing and energy solutions, which employs around 3,000 direct employees and has under management total assets of about 18 billion Reais.

The Company has completed 20 years of operation in Brazil and has been listed on BM&FBovespa for10 years. In 2015, EDP Brasil shares had an appreciation of 36.2%, making it the highest appreciation in the Brazilian electric sector.

In generation, the priority is having clean energy sources. The portfolio of 2.7 GW capacity, distributed in seven Brazilian states, is composed of 73% of renewable sources. It is the 5th largest private group in installed capacity, and currently has two plants under construction, one in Amapá (Cachoeira Caldeirão HPP) and another on the border of the states of Mato Grosso and Pará (São Manoel HPP).

EDP Brasil distributors serve 28 municipalities in the state of São Paulo, in the regions of Alto Tietê, Vale do Paraíba, Litoral Norte and Guarulhos, and 70 municipalities in Espírito Santo. With a customer base of 3.3 million consumer units, it is the 6th largest distributor within Brazil private sector.

The area of marketing and energy solutions has national operations, consolidated as the 4th largest private company in the sector on energy sales and also offers customers a wide selection of energy efficiency choices.

Recognized and awarded in the Brazilian market, EDP Brasil was recently rated as the best company in the electric power sector in terms of corporate governance, according recent rankings published by América Economia magazine