EDP Starter selects 10 startups for Bootcamp in São Paulo

Monday 14, August 2017

The program will incubate the most innovative Smart Data and Customer-Focused Solution projects

It time to announce the finalist startups that will participate in the EDP Starter Bootcamp. Ten teams were chosen from about 150 applications with innovative Smart Data and Customer-Focused Solution projects.

The entrepreneurs behind Beenoculus (PR), Cart‹o Solar (SC), COSOL Condom’nio Solar (SP), CUBi Energia (SP), Dooak (SP), Enercred (MG), Nexo Capacita‹o Digital (RS), Onegrid (ES), OurSun (MG) and Sensorbox (ES) were selected for the first stage of the program. In addition to full technical and specialized support, they will have access to the EDP area at WeWork - one of the largest coworking office networks in the world, which has recently opened its first unit on Avenida Paulista, S‹o Paulo.

The selected projects propose solutions and improvements in the following areas: Virtual Reality, Collective Investment for Solar Projects, Energy Efficiency, Remote Electrical Equipment Management, Photovoltaic Micro Inverters, Energy Credit Sharing, Solar Energy Solutions, Energy Consumption Management for the Industry Sector, and Distributed-Source Energy Trading.

After the Bootcamp, the 10 teams will have the opportunity to pitch their business ideas to a panel of experts from EDP Brasil, EDP Portugal, and Kyvo - a Brazilian innovation consulting firm that has partnered with the program. After the presentation, which will have the format of a Pitchfest, the top five teams will advance to the second stage - a startup acceleration program where the teams will consolidate their business models and build a prototype. The participants will then pitch their projects to potential investors during a Demo Day presentation in December.

"The selection process has shown the exceptional quality of the projects we have in Brazil. With the EDP Starter program, we hope to contribute to the development of these startups and of the Brazilian entrepreneurial ecosystem," says EDP Manager for Innovation Livia Brando.

More about EDP Starter Brasil

A successful initiative in Europe since 2012, the EDP Starter program arrives in Brazil to help energy-related (or industry-adaptable) early-stage startups. Created by EDP Brasil, a company engaged in energy generation, transmission, trading, services and supply, the program will offer a comprehensive package of opportunities to develop innovative projects.

Benefits to incubated companies include a specialized acceleration and development program, mentoring from market specialists and EDP technicians, and a global partnership portfolio to foster new business opportunities.

EDP Starter Brasil has also partnered with Kyvo Design-Driven Innovation, a Brazilian innovation consulting firm that uses Service Design as a tool for improving people experiences, whether in service consumption or in digital systems such as websites and apps. The company will not only play a crucial role in selecting and developing the startups, but will also make its specialized mentoring team available to assist the companies throughout the program.

EDP Open Innovation

If you haven"t signed up for EDP Starter Brasil yet, there still time. Applications for EDP Open Innovation - a global competition that seeks projects that can change the electricity market - will be open until August 23. The competition will reward the best team with Û50,000, and the 15 finalists will travel to Portugal to join an acceleration program.

Candidates from anywhere in Brazil can register on the website: edpopeninnovation.edp.pt.

Meet the finalists

[BEENOCULUS] {.underline}

The startup creates education technologies using Virtual and Augmented Reality. The goal is to transform formal, technical and professional education.

Area: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality


[CARTÌO SOLAR] {. Underline}

The goal of this startup is to promote mass access to renewable energy by means of of a country-wide solar energy network that will allow retail purchase. It also uses Led Energizado, a bulb that does not consume energy.

Area: Smart Grids


[COSOL Condom’nio Solar] {.underline}

Distributed generation marketplace that connects energy consumers, shared plants, and investors. The COSOL online platform offers solar and wind power allotments or biomass from energy companies for rental or sale.

Area: Energy Transactions and Blockchain


[CUBi Energia]{.underline}

It works with the industrial sector to analyze and manage energy consumption. It has its own hardware (CUBi EGG), a low-cost, high-connectivity and versatile tool.

Area: Analytics, Big Data, Internet of Things



A collective investment platform with blockchain transactions for solar energy projects. The idea is to connect investors who want to diversify their portfolio and people who need funding for their solar energy projects.

Area: Energy Transactions and Blockchain


[ENERCRED] {.underline}

It provides household consumers with a clean, cheap and sustainable energy subscription. It achieves this by means of a platform that shares energy credits generated in a renewable energy plant. The credits are converted into discounts on the consumer electricity bill.

Area: User Experience for new energy services


[NEXO Capacita‹o Digital] {.underline}

It creates Virtual Reality simulators on smartphones to reduce occupational accidents and training costs.

Area: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality


[ONEGRID] {.underline}

A set of wireless sensors and actuators that enable the management of analog electrical equipment to fight waste. ONEGRID offers automatic centralized control of the air conditioning, lighting, and other systems.

Area: Energy efficiency


[OURSUN] {.underline}

It focuses on the development of small-sized, low production-cost household photovoltaic inverters. The proposal is to create solutions for national energy converters by developing its own technology.

Area: Solar



The solution is based on hardware that collects consumer energy data such as voltage, current, power factor, and electrical frequency. With this data, it triggers alerts or even external actions for emergency shutdowns and corrections to parameters that may be damaging the grid.

Area: Energy efficiency
