EDP signs Transmission Auction contract

Thursday 16, February 2017

Transmission Note

EDP, a company that operates in the areas of electricty generation, distribution, commercialization and solutions, last week on February 10, signed the concession agreement for the transmission lines auctioned in the second stage of auction 132015 of the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL).


The concession contract is valid for 30 years from the date of subscription and ensures Annualized Revenue Allowance (RAP) after signing of R$ 20.7 million (base date: Jul /2016), updated annually by IPCA.Ê


The estimated total investment for deployment of the assets is R$ 116 million. The lot comprises 113 kilometers of line located between Linhares and S‹o Mateus, and a 150 MVA substation in S‹o Mateus in the north of Esp’rito Santo.