EDP is one of the best companies to work for in Brazil
The Company has been selected for inclusion in the Best Companies to Work For Guide, by VOCÊ S/A magazine.
EDP, a company that operates across all segments of the country’s energy sector, has been selected for VOCÊ S/A magazine’s Guide to the Best Companies to Work For for the third-straight year. The Guide assesses people management activities and workplace environments across a range of different sectors.
The Guide selected 150 companies from 19 sectors of the economy and analyzed their policies in 12 categories. EDP was above the average in four categories - Sustainability and Diversity Management; Interpersonal Relationships Management; Employer Branding and Health and Safety Management.
In the first category - companies’ contribution to improving the community and the environment - certain initiatives deserve the spotlight, such as the construction of animal rescue centers, environmental education projects, protection for 211.32 square kilometers of genetic and archeological heritage areas, waste recycling and solar power plant installations in indigenous and coastal communities. R$ 200 million was invested in these initiatives between 2016 and 2017.
Among the most celebrated activities in Employer Branding, which assesses how much pride employees have to work for a particular company, is the support for reconstruction of the Portuguese Language Museum, where the Company is the biggest sponsor. Furthermore, through the EDP Institute, the Company has invested over R$ 100 million in the past 10 years on income generation and education activities in the communities where it operates.
Interpersonal Relationships Management, which analyzes the level of cross-department interaction and integration, presented good results mainly due to the Cultura 2.0 project - which uses employee feedback as part of the process to define the Company’s values, which increases engagement - and the EDP Agility program, which promotes temporary multidisciplinary teams, 100% focused on finding solutions to the organization’s strategic challenges. EDP also stood out in Health and Safety Management - demonstrating the Company’s dedication to this important area, which is the first topic mentioned in the EDP Culture statement: life always comes first.
“Our inclusion among the “Best Companies to Work For” for the third straight year shows that we are on the right path in terms of structuring policies that enable people to be in a happy work environment, which is directly linked to their level of engagement and productivity”, said Fernanda Pires, Human Resources Director at EDP.
In 2018, EDP was also one of the country’s 50 largest companies, both in the Valor 1000 annual, published by the Valor Econômico newspaper and based on corporate financial information, and in EXAME magazines Biggest and Best special edition.Furthermore,the Company was elected the best company in the Energy industry by Epoca 360 ° and was highlighted as one the 100 Most Innovative Companies in IT Use Award,produced by IT Midia in partnership with PwC. /p>