EDP launches Energy Efficiency campaign in São Paulo and Espírito Santo
Outdoor and radio ads share tips for efficient electricity use
Encouraging responsible electricity consumption. Such is the goal of the campaign that EDP - a company engaged in electricity generation, trading and distribution - is now launching its concession areas in Espírito Santo and São Paulo.
Four different art forms with tips and pictures depicting the habits that most contribute to increased energy consumption - shower, lighting, air conditioning and refrigerator - will bring outdoor ads to 7 towns in the state of São Paulo (Caraguatatuba, Suzano, Mogi, Ferraz de Vasconcelos, Poá, São Sebastião, and Itaquaquecetuba) and 24 in Espírito Santo (Cariacica, Serra, Vila Velha, Vitoria, Aracruz, Fundão, Itarana, Itaguaçu, Linhares, Sooretama, Barra de São Francisco, Ecoporanga, Nova Venécia, Pinheiros, Ponto Belo, São Mateus, Alegre, Cachoeiro, Conceição do Castelo, Guaçui, Ibitirama, Guarapari, Jeronimo Monteiro, and Marataizes). In São Paulo, the ads will be available until March 6, and in Espírito Santo, until March 8.
Two radio spots will also be aired on major local radio stations, with tips such as using natural light or taking quick, mild temperature showers to reduce waste and save energy.
Through its concessionaires, EDP caters to approximately 3.2 million customers in 28 municipalities across Alto Tietê, Vale do Paraíba, and the North Coast of São Paulo, as well as 70 cities in the state of Espírito Santo.
Credits - EDP Energy Efficiency Campaign (Energy saving tips)
Client: EDP
Agency: The Group
Creative Director: Lygia Fernandes
Art Director: Deoclides Lemes
Copy: David Gusmão
Final Art: Ayala Júnior
Support: Bruna Souza and Juliana Altgauzen
Production: Guilherme Altieri
Media: Três Meios