EDP Institute announces new projects supported in 2018

Friday 09, February 2018

Entity initiatives were selected by the means of an evaluation and include shares in São Paulo, Espírito Santo and Tocantins

S‹o Paulo, February 09, 2018 - In 2018, thirteen new educational, health and sport-oriented and income-generating projects will be discussed by the EDP Institute, an organization that for 10 years manages the social and environmental actions of the EDP Group. The programs will add up to the 15 that continue in full steam in nine states where the Company is working (Amap‡, Bahia, Cear‡, Rio Grande do Norte, Tocantins, Esp’rito Santo, S‹o Paulo, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul).

"We want to support more and more initiatives that promote human and social development. That is why, this year, we focus our partnership in actions and people that make society better and give opportunity for the balanced and sustainable growth of communities in which we operate", explains Paulo Ramicelli, board advisor of the EDP Institute.

Check out some projects:

Held in Po‡, in the energy distribution area of EDP S‹o Paulo, Manobra do Bem, idealized by the NGO Social Skate, offers workshops free of charge for children and teenagers in social vulnerability of the region, seeking educational, sports and social inclusion.

Play and safety will be together again in another year of Playing with Kites, a program that, in 2018, also arrives in Guarulhos. Developed in partnership with Evoluir, the initiative uses the popular pastime to raise children awareness of the risks and impact that kite occurrences can generate in the distribution network of energy.

In S‹o Sebasti‹o, the partnership with the Instituto Verdescola in the Social and educational Nucleus and Generating Tomorrow Project will promote the education of more than 700 children and teenagers, stimulating social and environmental awareness, cultural inclusion, professional qualification and acting as citizens in the community.

In Esp’rito Santo, the partnership with the Friends of Vale do Castelo (SAVAC), in the project Recovery of springs: destination and treatment of household effluents, will implement improvements in the municipalities of Castelo, Concei‹o do Castelo and Muniz Freire to protect waters from contamination, in addition to forming environmentally rural producers.

Get to know the projects approved in the EDP Edital 2018:

Project/ NGO Description Area of activity

Association for Children and Adolescents with Cancer (TUCCA) Provides excellence treatment to children and teenagers with cancer S‹o Paulo / S‹o Paulo Basketball Guarulhos / Association of Parents Guarulhense Esportiva de Basket Provides sports and social inclusion of children and teenagers through basketball Guarulhos / S‹o Paulo Support Group for Teenager and Child with Cancer (GRAACC) Reference in the treatment of child cancers S‹o Paulo / S‹o Paulo Manobra do Bem / Social Skate NGO Promotes social, sports, cultural and educational activities for children and teenagers Po‡ / S‹o Paulo Social and educational Nucleus and Generating Tomorrow / Instituto Verdescola Promotes the education of children and adolescents, stimulating social and environmental awareness S‹o Sebasti‹o / S‹o Paulo Red Carpet / City Hall of Canas Teacher training through the valuation of children literature as an important curricular component Canas / S‹o Paulo The Grande Sacada / Volleyball Spirit Federation Opens the practice of beach volleyball for children and teenagers Vit—ria, Vila Velha and Viana / Esp’rito Santo Doces Nascentes Capixabas (Olhos de ‡gua) / Instituto Terra Promotes the recovery and conservation of water resources Baixo Guandu / Esp’rito Santo Engrigamento Gurigica / Instituto EDP Capacity building to strengthen the role of local leaders in their communities Vit—ria / Esp’rito Santo FIA - SECRI and Instituto Jo‹o XXIII / SECRI Provides social and educational activities for residents of 24 neighborhoods in the city of Vit—ria Vit—ria / Esp’rito Santo Judo for Life / Family Intervention Association of Esp’rito Santo Dissemination of sport culture as a vector of social and economic development Serra / Esp’rito Santo Restoration of springs in the municipality of Castelo: disposal and treatment of household effluents / Society of Friends of Vale do Castelo (SAVAC) Protection, conservation and environmental recovery of rivers, besides forming rural producers Castelo, Concei‹o do Castelo and Muniz Freire / Esp’rito Santo Ginga Paran‹ - Capoeira: promoting peace / Municipal Secretary of Social Assistance Promotes integration among children and young people, developing motor, social and effective cognitive skills Paran‹ / Tocantins

Get to know the ongoing IEDP projects:

Project / NGO Description Area of activity

Playing with Kites / Evoluir Awakens the awareness of students and teachers about the risks of playing with kites Suzano and Guarulhos / S‹o Paulo Cancer Assistance Group (GACC) works to increase life expectancy and guarantee quality of treatment for children and young people with cancer S‹o JosŽ dos Campos / S‹o Paulo Community Gardens / NGO City Without Hunger and Social Skate Implementation of vegetable gardens under transmission lines through urban agriculture projects Mogi das Cruzes, Suzano and Po‡ / S‹o Paulo Jacare’ Rugby / Jacare’ Rugby III Sports Association Form conscientious citizens, putting into practice the social values present in Rugby Jacare’ / S‹o Paulo Lance do Futuro / Associa‹o Cultural e Esportiva Gotas de Cidadania educates and develops the youth through sports activities TaubatŽ and Caapava / S‹o Paulo Vale Knowledge: Culture and Education in Vale do Para’ba / Fotocontexto Preserves and disseminates traditional knowledge and practices of the Para’ba Valley TremembŽ, Canas, Monteiro Lobato and Lorena / S‹o Paulo Community Banks / Ideas Atelier Provides low-income families with low-cost solar heaters Vit—ria, Vila Velha, Cariacica, Serra and Pedro Can‡rio / Esp’rito Santo Saber Viver / Friends of Justice Association Citizenship, Education and Art Strengthens ties with family, school and community and follows the school performance of participants Aracruz / Esp’rito Santo Volleyball Life / Association of Residents of the Guaranhuns Neighborhood Uses sports to promote respect, love, community, integration and socialization of children and teenagers Vila Velha / Esp’rito Santo Hydroponics Garden: Cultivating people from social risk to citizenship / Partnership Alliances for a Better Future (ALIAR) Generates income for families living in a state of vulnerability and social risk Peixe, Lajeado and Miracema / Tocantins Learning and Growing / Athletic Association Athens helps students from schools in disadvantaged areas to develop their skills in the fields using soccer Lajeado, Palmas, Paran‹ and Peixe / Tocantins Lajeado in Action / Instituto EDP and AMAE values and disseminates the art, culture and tourist potential of Lajeado with the accomplishment of a Meeting of Art and Culture Lajeado / Tocantins Caravana do Esporte e Artes / Instituto Esporte & Educa‹o Contributes to the formation of children and teenagers through reflection on the importance of the practices of the sport AP, SP and ES EDP in the Schools / EDP Institute Improvement of the student life quality of primary school students in public schools SP, ES, AP, BA, CE, RN, RS, SC and TO Entrepreneurial Education / Dreamshaper Promotes entrepreneurship in classrooms SP and ES

Participants in the selection process were initiatives approved by the Laws of Federal Incentive in the areas of Culture (Rouanet Law / Culture - No. 8,133 / 91), Sport (Sport - N¼ 11.438 / 06) and Health (PRONON / Saœde - N.¼ Law 12.715 / 12, for Oncology).

To learn more about the EDP Institute, visit: www.institutoedp.org.br