EDP installs a solar power plant at the Hospital of GACC (Cancer Care Group)

Friday 13, September 2019

The Solar power plant begins its operation, generating energy to save lives for hundreds of children and youth in cancer treatment

In the month that reinforces the importance of early diagnosis and proper treatment of children and youth cancer in specialized hospitals, the Golden September, EDP, a company that operates in all segments of the electricity sector, officializes the delivery of a solar power plant at the Grupo de Assistência ao Câncer Hospital - GACC, located in São José dos Campos, in the Vale do Paraíba, being the only specialized hospital in the entire region.

At the inauguration event was held today (11), and was attended by representatives of EDP Institute, GACC Vale Hospital and city authorities. During the ceremony it was also officialized a donation of R$ 100,000 to the Hospital by the EDP Institute. 

At the solar generation system installed at GACC Vale Hospital has 570 photovoltaic modules attached to the institution rooftop, covering an area of approximately 1,400 m². Connected to EDP grid, the system has an installed capacity of 151 kilowatt peak (kWp), and the amount of energy generated is sufficient to supply more than 900 houses with an average consumption of 250kWh/month.

At the project was conceived and built by EDP Smart, the division that brings together the portfolio of energy solutions of the Company, and was funded through the Public Call for Projects of the Energy Efficiency Program - PEE, from São Paulo´s Distributor EDP , which contributed about 65% of total investment.

In addition to reducing the energy bill, as it is a clean technology that does not release pollutants into the atmosphere, with the system, for 25 years it will be possible to avoid the emission of approximately 320,000 tons of CO2, equivalent to planting about 2,000 trees. The project also replaced 1,501 bulbs with a higher consumption by LED bulbs, which are more cost-effective, durable and sustainable. The two combined projects will avoid approximately 350,000 tons of CO2, equivalent to planting 2,150 trees.

EDP and GACC Partnership

EDP has as one of its social causes the fight against Child Cancer and the partnership with GACC is crucial to this fight. For over a decade, the Company has been present in support of projects through the EDP Institute, such as GACC Goes To School, energy efficiency programs and through direct donations. “The delivery of the solar power plant and the direct donation strengthens even more our bond with the GACC. For EDP, it is always very rewarding to contribute to this solid institution that saves lives and transforms numerous families”, emphasizes Marney Antunes, EDP General Director.


This moment is very important for GACC, as we can celebrate the successful and many years partnership with EDP, which has brought so many benefits and great impact to our assisted population. “I believe that the result of this union of common purposes, uniting Grupo EDP Brasil´s culture of caring for life at first, with GACC culture of treating all lives with the same value with quality and high technology, which shapes this partnership is so valuable and it has been providing such significant results for the GACC Hospital and hundreds of children and youth people fighting against cancer.” says Rosemary Sanz, GACC President.

About GACC

At the GACC - Grupo de Assistência à Criança com Câncer [Assistance Group to the Child with Cancer] is the sponsor of the CTFM/GACC Hospital: the only multidisciplinary and specialized clinical social hospital complex designed to specifically target children and young people with cancer, diagnosed between 0 and 19 years of age, offering quality in the holistic and humanized care for the treatment of all types of cancer.

At the treatment is offered primarily to children and youth referred by the SUS - Unified Health System - These services currently represent 75% of the total cancer patients undergoing treatment at the GACC Vale Hospital.

About EDP

With over 20 years of experience, EDP is one of the largest private companies in the electricity sector operating throughout the value chain. The Company, which has over 10,000 direct and outsourced employees, operates in Generation, Distribution, Transmission, Trading and Energy Services. It has six hydroelectric and one thermoelectric generation units, and serves about 3.5 million customers through its Distributors in São Paulo and Espírito Santo. Recently, it became CELESC main shareholder in Santa Catarina. In Brazil, it is a reference in areas such as Innovation, Governance and Sustainability, having been in the B3´s Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) for 13 consecutive years.