EDP Espírito Santo carries out Summer Operation 2017/2018
Rainy season has a specific plan with preventive action and effective reinforcement
Vitória, January 8, 2017 - More than 90% of the network distribution in Brazil is aerial and is exposed to inclement weather such as rain, wind and lightning, as well as external factors such as vegetation. For this reason, the summer period is treated with especial attention by EDP Espírito Santo. It is to mitigate the impact of the rainfall that the Distributor performs Operation Summer 2017/2018.
In addition to the investments made in the electric grid, the Concessionaire will provide new customer service channels such as the EDP Online application, system and employee support with broad planning for support on days on which there is a high volume of incidents.
O nly in 2017, investments were made throughout the year for the expansion and construction of substations and construction and recapping of high voltage distribution lines. Among the main projects are:
\ - The Construction of new Substations in Guriri (in São Mateus) and Atílio Vivácqua;
\ - Extension of another 24 substations, among them, São Mateus, Linhares, Itapemirim, Lameirão (in Guarapari) and Fruteiras (in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim).
\ - Construction of 14 kilometers of high voltage distribution lines and the reconfiguration of another 81 kilometers that go through several municipalities of the State, such as the Viana-Guarapari and João Neiva-Linhares lines.
\ - Replacement of 220 kilometers of cables that make up the networks with compact technology and also protected networks, which, in addition to reducing visual pollution, are less prone to external interference caused by wind, tree branches and other objects.
\ - In addition to this, just in 2017 the EDP distribution network received 165 reclosers, allowing 40% of Distributor clients to benefit from the automatic transfer of charge. The reclosers are automatic chargeable protection and recomposition devices which allow, in cases of interruption, for energy to be automatically and quickly reestablished, in addition to increasing system security.
At the director of EDP Espírito Santo, João Brito, reinforces the importance of continuous investment made by the company, highlighting that “the works are planned to accompany the development of cities and ensure safety and quality in the supply of electricity to the community”.
** Increase in performance **
In this edition of Operation Summer, the operational strategy during the period is a fundamental point, which allows for more agility and service efficiency. With the increase of effectiveness by 100% in moments when there is a high volume of incidents, the company laid out a distribution plan for groups in every municipality in order to reduce the travel time of its professionals.
From the dispatch of the teams by the System Operation Center (COS) in Carapina in the Serra, an automated tool that routes services using algorithms and with an integrated platform that suggests the best route. In addition, subsequent to the completion of studies, the Concessionaire reassigned the location of some of the teams support bases as well as opened up new locations which served to optimize service time. /p>
At the partnership with municipal agencies, Civil Defense, Fire Fighters and Police is also essential. Often the work is done jointly and for this reason, EDP Espírito Santo maintains a direct channel of communication with these entities. It is worth remembering that the Plan action started much earlier than the rainy season and continues through March, next year.
** Customer Relationship Channels **
For the purposes of service excellence, the distributor constantly invests in channels of communication with the client. In the last two years, approximately R$ 8 million has been invested in relationship solutions.
Currently, 70% of calls are made through virtual channels. There are 56 services available on EDP Online, www.edponline.com.br. The EDP app Online, available for download on all mobile platforms and tablets*, also a good fact. Up to November, more than 8 thousand services were realized and, in addition to the main services sought by consumers, it provides a 24-hour online chat that allows for agility in service.
For those who are not connected to the Internet, the Distributor also offers:
- Services by SMS
Ato use this service, use the number 33737: To Inform of power failure, with the text ENERGY + n ° of the installation.
- * Call Center * of the Distributor
0800 721 0707 - 24-hour service
- Face-to-face service branch - located in 70 municipalities of the concession area.
** Recognition and Customer Service **
EDP Espírito Santo is one of the three largest distributors in the South and Southeast of Brazil, according to the Aneel Customer Satisfaction Index Award (IASC). The award, granted annually by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), recognizes all the companies evaluated on the basis of the perception of residential consumers.
Ato determine the winners, 24,926 clients were interviewed from 540 municipalities served by 101 concessionaires and licensees. Released annually by ANEEL since 2000, the IASC survey provide a picture of the level of consumer satisfaction with regard to the quality of services provided by the electric power distributors, with the purpose of encouraging the search for continuous improvement from the consumer perspective. Since 2002, the agency has rewarded best-evaluated distributors in the survey.
In addition, EDP Espírito Santo was recognized as one of the best distributors of electric energy in the categories of Quality of Management, Evolution of Performance and Best Regional Distributor (Southeast) through the 2017 Abradee Award.
At the concessionaire, which serves 70 of the 78 cities in the state and with a total of 1.5 million customers, stands out for its excellence in meeting criteria such as commitment to stakeholders, the development of sustainable development and value-added generation, in addition to the recognition given to the Company in the evaluation of the quality of the consumers themselves.