EDP Brasil supports Maio Amarelo for a more humane traffic behavior

Friday 20, May 2016

Campaign involving internal initiatives, social media platforms and company stores seeks to raise awareness among employees and customers

EDP Brasil, a company engaged in energy generation, trading, services and supply, has partnered with the Maio Amarelo (Yellow May) Movement, created in 2014 by the NGO National Road Safety Observatory (Observatório Nacional de Segurança Viária), thus joining the cause for a more humane traffic behavior.

With the goal of raising awareness among customers and workers, several messages with safety guidelines are being conveyed in the company internal communication channels, social media profiles (with the hashtag #eusou+1 - literally "I am one more" - created by the Maio Amarelo Movement) and digital walls at the Group distributors stores in Espírito Santo and São Paulo.

Some of the safety guidelines are:

- minimum 1,5m distance when overtaking cyclists;

- special attention when changing lanes and leaving buildings or parking lots;

- for cyclists, always use safety equipment and signalization accessories, and never cycle on the sidewalk or in the opposite direction.

The program for distributors" employees also includes theatrical performances, seminars, and defensive driving classes. Furthermore, EDP also offers all employees an online Defensive Driving course, which is also taken by company fleet drivers.

The Movement

Maio Amarelo/Yellow May is an international movement that aims to raise awareness of traffic-related death and injury rates throughout the world, in partnership with government bodies and NGOs. For more information go to: http://maioamarelo.com/

To check EDP Yellow May campaign on social media, go to:

Facebook: facebook.com/edpbr

Twitter: @edpbr