EDP Brasil presents 'The Energy of the Portuguese Language' on wheels
For the next 2 years the truck will travel all over Brazil, providing experiences and information about the world of the Portuguese Language
EDP, a company engaged in energy generation, trading, transmission, services and supply, is holding an interactive exhibition on wheels titled "The Energy of the Portuguese Language." This is an exhibition that will feature various activities related to our language. The starting point was Ibirapuera Park in S‹o Paulo, last Sunday. Destination: FLIP - Paraty International Literary Fair, from July 26 to 30. After this, the exhibition will visit the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Esp’rito Santo and S‹o Paulo.
Using the mobile structure of a truck, the exhibition will span 300m2 and allow visitors to learn more about Portuguese-speaking countries, the peculiarities of Portuguese variants in Brazil and Portugal, and trivia about common phrases in this language - considered to be the fifth most spoken language in the world and the most widely used in the southern hemisphere.
"The Portuguese language is an asset that binds the countries where it is spoken. I have no doubt that EDP success in Brazil is largely due to the affinity that the Portuguese language establishes between Brazilian and Portuguese cultures. So we want to honor this common heritage by investing in its appreciation. This is how we became Master Sponsors of the refurbishment works at the Portuguese Language Museum and sponsors of the Paraty Literary Festival. And this is why we will continue to invest in creative expressions that enrich our cultures," says EDP Brasil CEO Miguel Setas.
Implemented by EDP Brasil, the project was specifically designed for the Paraty Literary Festival and will immerse visitors in the culture and art of Lusophone countries - with special emphasis on the connections between Portugal and Brazil. Finally, EDP will invite visitors to donate books, which will be delivered to several institutions.
Portuguese Language Museum
Refurbishment works at the Portuguese Language Museum in S‹o Paulo are in full swing. The opening is scheduled for 2019. Its holdings - the language intangible heritage - are being celebrated with activities such as the aforementioned itinerant exhibition, which will display photos and information on the museum reconstruction. As Master Sponsor of the renovation, EDP Brasil will invest R$20 million over the next three years. "The Energy of the Portuguese Language" also includes content created in partnership with Funda‹o Roberto Marinho (FRM).
Clean energy Clean energy will be present with the use of photovoltaic solar panels on the truck roof. LED panels are also planned for the entire exhibition, recalling that the purpose of the initiative is to emphasize the importance of preserving natural resources and the benefits of energy efficiency.
Attractions: The itinerant truck offers several fun and interactive Portuguese language activities:
"Manifesto": It will be displayed like a carpet on the entrance wall and reveal all the activities offered by the truck.
"The Portuguese Language in the World, Experience the Energy of Being There: Visitors will learn more about the ten lusophone countries by exploring each country culture. These countries can be visited on a 360¡ screen. On the ground, like a compass rose, visitors will see the name of each lusophone country and, on the wall, pictures and curious expressions from these places.
"Brazil X Portugal Timeline": This section will allow visitors to learn more about famous poems from the two countries, with access to author information, date, style, and other trivia.
Accent Generator: Visitors can dub poem stanzas with an accent of their choice (Portugal or other Brazilian states) and share it on their social media profiles.
A Language Full of Energy and History: It will show and explain the meaning of idiomatic expressions we use on a daily basis: even-headed beast", "the walls have ears", "putting your hand on fire", and so many others.
Spelling Bee: Visitors will have to spell Portuguese words, randomly selected by a vending machine. If they get it right, they win a book.
"EDP and the Portuguese Language Museum": From the Portuguese Language Museum to Flip, from Flip to the Museum. A panel inside the truck will share photos and information about the Museum.
"Recite your Poem": To leave the truck, guests will be recorded reciting a poem. These fragments will become a video which will then be posted on EDP social networks.
External area Outdoor activities include cover face illusions with book covers, exclusive posters with the visitor favorite literary quote, reading area with a bookshelf filled with books, puffs and chairs, and light painting - using light, participants will write words on the air and a photographer will capture them. At night the LED panel will turn into a movie screen and show classics inspired by Brazilian literature: "Palavra Encantada "and" L’ngua: Vidas em Portugus". The panel will also show a chart with information on the exhibition route, including the number of people who have visited the itinerant project and the cities traveled.
Itinerant exhibition schedule for the next two months:
- Rio de Janeiro - Praa Mau‡ - August 4-8
- Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - August 11-13
- Vit—ria - Praa dos Namorados - August 18-20
- Linhares - August 25-27
- S‹o JosŽ dos Campos - Parque Vicente Aranha - September 2
- Guararema - Ilha Grande - September 9
- Guarulhos - Bosque Maia - September 16