EDP attends Credit Recovery Fair and registers people for Social Tariff

Wednesday 21, November 2018

Customers can negotiate debts and register for the Social Tariff, a program that helps reduce energy bills<br/>

EDP, an electrical energy distributor from Espírito Santo, will be attending the 8th Credit Recovery Fair, which is being organized by the Chamber of Store Owners (CDLs) from Vitória, Vila Velha, Serra and Cariacica and runs from December 4 to 8 in Vitória. This year, in addition to negotiating any outstanding debts, customers will be able to register for the Social Tariff, which helps reduce energy bills.

Residential, rural, commercial and industrial consumers will be able to negotiate in person and the Company will be offering special payment terms, reduced interest rates and extended deadlines.

According to Afonso Celso, EDP’s executive manager for Revenue Recovery, the event is a great opportunity to settle outstanding bills and is considered an important opportunity for social inclusion and exercising citizenship.

“The initiative allows customers who are outside the Distributor’s system, such as those with illegal connections, to remedy their situation”.

Social Tariff

During the event, EDP will be registering customers for the Electrical Energy Social Tariff (TSEE), a benefit that guarantees a 65% discount on energy bills. Families must have an active Social Identification Number (NIS) from the Federal Government’s Single Registry of Social Programs (CadÚnico) to be eligible for the benefit.

At the Social Tariff is an energy bill rebate on the first 220 kWh that residential customers consume monthly provided they are classified in the low income category and varies based on their monthly usage (kWh/month). “People should be aware that the Social Tariff is very beneficial for anyone who uses electricity efficiently, since the lower their energy usage is, the higher the rebate”, said Afonso.


At the benefit only applies to single family consumer units and tiered by consumption range, calculated on a cumulative basis using the table below:

Consumption Range


Up to 30 kWh/month


From 31 to 100 kWh/month


From 101 to 220 kWh/month


Above 220 kWh/month

No rebate

Documents required for registration:

  • Social Identification Number (NIS) and Family Code Number (COD FAM) - obtained from City Hall via the CRAS;

  • Energy bill;

  • Individual Taxpayer Registration Number (CPF) and ID card (or any other ID document with a picture) or Indigenous Birth Certificate (RANI);

  • A rental agreement, if the customer is a tenant;

  • State whether the family has indigenous or quilombola roots or if a member of the family is a recipient of Continuous Welfare Benefit (BPC). If so, the customer must present their Benefit Number (NB);

  • If the family if registered with the Single Registry, has a monthly income of up to 3 (three) minimum salaries and has a family member who has an illness or a disability requiring a treatment, medical procedure or therapy involving equipment that runs on electricity, the family must submit a doctor’s certificate;

Who can claim this benefit

  • A family registered with the Federal Governments Single Registry for Social Programs,with a monthly income less than or equal to half of one minimum salary per capita. /li>
  • Senior citizens over 65 (sixty five) years old and people with disabilities receiving the Continuous Welfare Benefit - BPC;

  • Families registered with CadÚnico receiving a monthly income of up to 3 (three) minimum salaries, with a family member suffering from a condition or illness requiring procedures or equipment that require an electrical supply;

  • Indigenous or quilombola families registered with CadÚnico will receive a 100% rebate on their first 50 kWh/month (other consumption ranges receive the same percentage benefits described above).

  • The family’s address registered with the Single Registry or at the BPC must be located within the distributor’s concession area in order to qualify for the benefit;

Further Information

  • Each family is only entitled to receive the Social Tariff benefit at one installation;

  • If customers’ change address, they must notify EDP Espírito Santo, which will make the appropriate changes. If an address is not updated, the rebate may be cancelled.

  • Customers should update their details on the Single Registry at their local Social Welfare Reference Centre to ensure they keep receiving the rebate on their bills. The benefit is valid for two years and customers must keep their details up to date.

  • For further information, please contact the Distributor by accessing EDP Online, www.edponline.com.br, using the chat feature via the EDP app, calling the 24-hour, toll-free Customer Service Center at 0800 721 0707 or visiting one of our branches.


Credit Recovery Event

Date: From December 4 to 8

Atime: From 9 am to 4 pm

Place: Vitória Arena (formerly known as Álvares Cabral Arena), in Bento Ferreira, Vitória