EDP announces the winners of the Innovation Award 2020

Friday 06, February 2015

The winning projects are from Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Norte and São Paulo, recognized for innovation, sustainability and entrepreneurship

EDP, a marketing and electricity production and distribution company in Brazil, has announced the winners of the fifth edition of the Innovation Award 2020, an initiative which recognises entrepreneurial, creative and innovative work in developing businesses for Smart Cities.

In keeping with the theme of the award - Smart Cities - the Portuguese consulate was chosen for the winners" announcement ceremony, held in São Paulo on the 30th. In June of last year it became the first Portuguese consulate in Brazil to be energically efficient, based on a project designed and maintained by EDP.

Smart grids, energy metering and water treatment were the winning themes of award in 2014. They are:

1st Place - Natal/RN

Vanderli Dantas de Araújo Júnior
Jupiara Lima da Silva

[Project: EVA - Cleaning Water] - Electricity-free gray water treatment Prize:

R\$25,000 and one all-expenses paid trip to the Silicon Valley, California, where you can visit large tech companies, as well as business accelerators and startups.

2nd Place - São Paulo

Silvia Mayumi Takey dos Santos
Camilo Rodegheri Mendes
Marcelo Pesse

[Project: DEV - Energy Meter] Energy management service using meters in switchboards

Prize: R\$ 15,000

3rd Place - Juiz de Fora

Moises Vidal Ribeiro
Diogo Fernandes
Fabrício Pablo Virgíni de Campos

[Project: i9Híbrido] - Reliable and secure telecommunications for efficient use of energy and water resources

Prize: R\$ 5,000

Selection Process

The challenge began on August 4th, 2014 when registrations for the fifth edition of the award opened. In total, 171 papers were registered for the fifth edition of the EDP Innovation Award 2020. In the second stage, the 30 best ideas were selected and their authors participated in online training. The projects prepared by participants were evaluated based on the Canvas business model, a strategic tool which uses a table with nine fundamental pillars for making new businesses. Ten projects were then chosen to take part in in-person training and compete for the final award.

The examining board was formed of EDP executives and partner companies. In addition to the prizes mentioned above, the winners will also receive mentoring and guidance in developing their business.

About the Prize

Launched in 2010, the EDP Innovation Award 2020 has reached its fifth edition, aiming to encourage innovation, sustainability and entrepreneurship in Brazil through the development of new technologies and new business models, focusing on smart cities.

The award integrates the company innovation policy and is based on the projected transformation of energy industry models . With 20 partner companies, among student groups, incubators and companies who support entrepreneurship, the award offers many benefits to participants. Aside from winners" prizes, participants have the opportunity to interact with each other and executives from EDP and partner companies. They also receive entrepreneurship courses, as well as guidance and networking.

To learn more, visit: www.edpbr.com.br/premio