EDP announces support to Flip 2017

Tuesday 09, May 2017

The appreciation of language is already part of the routine of the Company. that is also the master sponsor in the recovery of the Museum of the Portuguese Language

Focused on the commitment to value cultural heritage and to encourage the Portuguese-Brazilian literature, EDP, a company that operates in the energy sector, through its EDP Institute, has partnered with the FLIP 2017 - Feira Liter‡ria Internacional de Paraty (Flip) 2017.

"To EDP, as the largest investor of Portuguese origin in Brazil, It is a pleasure to be able to help in the preservation of our language which is a symbol of the union between the two countries and one of the strongest links between Brazilian and Lusitanian cultures. The Portuguese language created in lusophony space an identical way of thinking, that is why Brazil and Portugal are so close, " says the CEO of EDP Brasil, Miguel Setas.

The initiative to support Flip 2017 is a continuation of investments in recent events that EDP has been carrying out to promote the Portuguese-speaking culture, that started last year when the company became a master sponsor in the reconstruction of the Museum of the Portuguese Language.

Portuguese Language Day

In commemoration of the Portuguese Language Day, celebrated on May 5 in all Portuguese speaking countries, representatives and executive members of EDP Brasil were also present at a literary table that debated the work of Lima Barreto, author honored by the fair this year. The meeting was attended by Miguel Setas, president of EDP Brasil, Paulo Lopes Loureno, Consul General of Portugal, and Mauro Munhoz, Managing Director of the Casa Azul association and one of the organizers of the literary event.

The Company also participated in the activities organized to commemorate the Portuguese Language Day at Luz Station, in S‹o Paulo. The actions happened on May 4, 5 and 6, bringing together technology, interactivity and public involvement to celebrate the cultural heritage that unites Portuguese speakers.

About EDP Brasil

EDP Brasil operates in the areas of Generation, Distribution, Marketing and Electrical Energy Solutions and has been in the country for over 20 years present in eight states: Amap‡, Cear‡, Esp’rito Santo, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Par‡, S‹o Paulo and Tocantins. With the operation of the distributors in the concession areas in Espirito Santo and S‹o Paulo, the company serves more than 3.3 million customers. The company belongs to the EDP Group, one of the largest European operators in the electric field present in 14 countries.