Another fish release to be carried out by the EDP Group in Espírito Santo

Wednesday 18, March 2015

Continuing an environmental and socioeconomic development project for the region where the Mascarenhas Power Plant is located, EDP releases 50,000 fish into the environment

On Thursday 19, EDP - an EDP Brasil Group company - will release 50 thousand fingerlings into the Mascarenhas Power Plant reservoir in Rio Doce (Baixo Guandu, Espírito Santo).

Lambaris, cascudos, curimbas and piaus (all native species) will be returned to nature, thus giving continuity to the company fish restocking project and further contributing to the restoration of endangered or extinct species. 300 thousand fingerlings are expected to be released over the next two years.

For this purpose, EDP has invested in a detailed analysis of fish restocking management alternatives, which suggested measures such as the manual transposition of fish, the quarterly monitoring of local ichthyofauna, and the strengthening of fish stocks by releasing native species fingerlings.

The animals were selected based on the results of ichthyofauna monitoring campaigns carried out in the region where the Mascarenhas Hydroelectric Plant is located. Research has identified more than 30 species native to the Rio Doce basin. However, their inclusion in fish restocking projects depends on the existence and availability of induced breeding technologies, combined with the behavior and feeding habits of those species.

The fish were purchased from a laboratory specializing in induced breeding of native species, and the last fish release carried out by EDP took place in November of last year, when lambaris (Astyanax sp.), acarás (Geophagus brasiliensis) and curimbas (Prochilodus costatus) formed the first batch to be returned to the environment. Exotic species are not included in the initiative due to the potential negative impact on the environment.

"Carrying out two native species releases in such a short period of time is very rewarding. This strengthens our commitment to the sustainability policy of the EDP Group and to the community in the vicinity of the Mascarenhas power plant," says José Cherem Pinto, EDP Operation and Generation Maintenance director.

The release of the fingerlings into Mascarenhas HPP reservoir will take place at 11 am. It will be attended by local fishermen, and it is open to the public.