EDP will invest R$7.6 million in social projects

Wednesday 11, August 2021


A public call will receive applications until September 17th and will include projects focused on culture, childhood, adolescence, seniors and sports

Organizations that implement social projects focused on areas such as culture, childhood, adolescence, seniors and sports, and that are looking for incentives for their activities, can register until September 17th in the call nr. 2022 from Instituto EDP, an organization that coordinates the social and environmental actions of EDP and EDP Renováveis [Renewable EDP]. Overall, the institution will make available R$7.6 million in investment to social organizations in seven Brazilian states.

Applications must be made exclusively through the Bússola Social [Social Compass] platform, available on the EDP Institute website (www.institutoedp.org.br). To participate in the selection, organizations must fill out the registration form on the platform. The projects presented must have a minimum duration of six and a maximum of 12 months, in addition to having their activities started in 2022.

The selection will benefit initiatives in municipalities in the concession area of energy utility companies (Espírito Santo and São Paulo), in regions close to power generation projects (Amapá, Ceará, Espírito Santo and Tocantins) and the wind farm of EDP Renováveis in Tramandaí (Rio Grande do Sul) and São José da Lagoa Tapada (Paraíba). The complete list of locations is available in the call’s regulations.

“EDP will continue to sponsor projects that make a difference in fighting the impacts of the pandemic and support the social development of communities close to our area of operation”, says Dominic Schmal, director of the EDP Institute.


Cultural Projects: prior approval by the Federal Culture Incentive Law (Law No. 8,313/91 – article 18) is required, duly proven by a copy of the publication of the approval of the project with the Special Secretariat of Culture in the Official Gazette of the Union. Priority will be given to artistic and cultural education projects, with support for music, appreciation and revival of local culture, urban art, valorization of peripheral artists, as well as work with waste in the municipalities of São Gonçalo do Amarante in Ceará, São José da Lagoa Tapada in Paraíba and Tramandaí in Rio Grande do Sul.

Sports Projects: prior approval in the Federal Sports Incentive Law (Law 11,438/06) is required, duly proven by a copy of the publication of the project approval with the Special Secretariat for Sports in the Federal Official Gazette. The call’s priorities are projects aimed at sports training and leisure in public spaces.

Social Projects aimed at Children and Adolescents: prior approval by Federal Law No. 8,069/90 – Child and Adolescent Statute is required, duly proven as required by the responsible agency (municipal, state or federal). Priority will be given to initiatives in cultural (music) and sports training; environmental education; music in public spaces; fighting the impacts of Covid-19; and digital solutions. In 2022, entrepreneurship, job and income generation, diversity, and responsible consumption will also be covered in the focus.


Social Projects aimed at the Elderly: prior approval by Federal Law No. 10,741/03 – Statute for the Elderly is required, duly proven as required by the responsible agency (municipal, state or federal). There is priority for health and care; healthy life; telemedicine; fighting the impacts of Covid-19; and digital solutions, as well as financial education, technology and diversity.

About IEDP

Since its establishment in 2009, the EDP Institute has invested more than R$ 130 million in socio-cultural projects, which have benefited more than three million people, in about 450 programs spread across the country. Only in 2020, initiatives supported by the organization benefited more than 400,000 residents of the communities surrounding the areas in which the Company operates. The EDP Institute is responsible for structuring EDP’s investments and social initiatives on fronts linked to the appreciation of the Portuguese language, education, local development with income generation, entrepreneurship and volunteering, through sport, culture and health.