Investco and Enerpeixe donate almost half a million PPEs to fight Covid-19 in Tocantins

Friday 18, June 2021

The equipment was delivered this Wednesday, 0 2

Investco and Enerpeixe, managers of the Lajeado and Peixe Angical Hydroelectric Power Plants, respectively, together with their parent company, EDP, and with the support of the EDP Institute, the organization that manages the EDP Group's socio-environmental actions in Tocantins, madethe donation of more than 400 thousand Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the State Health Department. The nearly half a million protection items will be targeted at professionals who work on the forefront to fight against Covid-19. The equipment was delivered this Wednesday, February 2nd, byInvestco's Environment Manager, Joel Parizi.


Overall, 332 thousand surgical masks, 56 thousand protective gloves and 25,700 PFF2/n95 masks were donated. Surgical masks and PFF2/n95 have a higher filtering power than other models and are recommended to stopviruses moreefficiently.


“We have been working with social and environmental responsibility initiatives in Tocantins for over 19 years and, in this moment of pandemic, it could not be different. Last year, we carried out actions to fight hunger and support the control of the pandemic and, in 2021, we once again placed ourselves at the service of life and society”, says PG Meirelles, Institutional Relations director at Investco.


Other initiatives 


Investco and Enerpeixe, with the support of the EDP Institute, carried out other initiatives in 2020 to combat Covid-19. Among them, support for the Rastreia Covid (Covid Tracking) project, which developed an application to be used by health agents in the municipalities of Lajeado, Peixe and Paranã, to register information about the community, by going from house to house, and making this data available to the health teams.


In addition, more than 500 families in the municipalities of Lajeado, Palmas and Tocantínia benefited from food cards. The approximately 500 students served by the Social Learning and Growing and Social Inclusion projects through Futebol IV, in turn, benefited from personal hygiene items in the municipalities of Palmas, Porto Nacional, Lajeado, Miracema and Peixe. And the Estúdio Joga em Casa (play at home studio) project, also with support from EDP, Investco and Enerpeixe, delivered school materials for reinforcement during the pandemic.


About Investco SA


Investco is responsible for the operation and maintenance of HPP Lajeado. With an installed power capacity of 902.5 MW, the undertaking, built on the Tocantins River, operates on a run-of-river. Considered the best hydroelectric plant in Brazil in ANEEL's ranking, the Plant is a reference of safety and sustainability, being certified in the ISO 55001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards, which attest to its excellence in asset management; in the quality of services provided; in environmental management and in the management of health and safety at work.


About Enerpeixe S.A.


Enerpeixe SA is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Peixe Angical Hydroelectric Power Plant. With an installed power capacity of 498.75 MW, the undertaking is located on the Tocantins River, in the southern region of the state of Tocantins. In addition to being certified with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, it has the Gold Seal in Sustainable Energy, granted by Instituto Acende Brasil/PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), and is ranked among the 10 best hydroelectric plants in Brazil by ANEEL. In 2019, the hydroelectric plant was awarded for the ninth time the seal of ''Empresa Amiga da Criança'’ (Children friendly company), from the Abrinq Foundation, which recognizes organizations that carry out social actions to promote and defend the rights of children and adolescents.