EDP promotes influenza vaccination campaign and food collection

Tuesday 13, April 2021

The expectation is to collect more than 4 tons of food products from employees by the end of this month

Solidarity marked the flu vaccination of employees at EDP, a company that operates in all segments of the electricity sector. This weekend, the company started the campaign to immunize its employees in the states of São Paulo and Espírito Santo and took the opportunity to encourage the donation of food to projects to fight hunger.

The campaign extends throughout the month on the company's various websites across the country. The expectation is to vaccinate more than 4,000 people, including employees and dependents, and reach more than 4 tons of food collected. The donations will go to three charitable institutions already supported by the EDP Institute.

"In line with EDP's purpose of 'using our energy to always take better care', there is nothing better than to take advantage of this moment of mobilization of our employees and promote another solidarity action, capable of helping those who need it most in the most challenging stage of this pandemic process”, says João Marques da Cruz, CEO of EDP in Brazil. 

At the same time, this month, EDP donated 3,400 food baskets to the São Paulo Government's Food Solidarity Program, as a way to mitigate the impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on people in socially vulnerable situations.

Company´s donations

In this second wave of the pandemic alone, EDP has already allocated more than R$ 4 million to initiatives in the fields of health and the fight against hunger. The company is supporting the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of USP (HCFMUSP) in hiring health professionals who will reinforce the care provided to patients with Covid-19. For this, it joined forces with BTG Pactual bank, Cosan and Eurofarma to hire 386 professionals, including doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and nursing assistants. This donation enabled the opening of 56 new ICU beds and 75 in the infirmary.

EDP also donated 3400 food baskets through the São Paulo Government's Food Solidarity Program. The food will benefit needy families in the state, whose income was compromised.  The company is also responsible, together with the companies Suzano and Águia Branca, for the acquisition of 60 beds for semi-intensive treatment in public hospitals in Espírito Santo. In addition to installation costs, the Company will purchase all equipment, which will be owned by the Government.

Through its Energy Efficiency program, EDP will provide savings in energy consumption to public hospitals located in its concession area in the state of São Paulo. Eight units will be covered in the cities of São José dos Campos, Jacareí, Lorena, Caraguatatuba, Suzano and Guarulhos, in the State of São Paulo.

In 2020, EDP allocated more than R$ 10 million to the purchase of respirators and PPE for the public health network, the electrical works of field hospitals and the donation of 350 tons of food and personal hygiene kits to vulnerable communities and indigenous peoples. In all, these initiatives have benefited more than 400 thousand people across Brazil.