BTG Pactual, Cosan, EDP and Eurofarma join forces to hire health professionals to support Hospital das Clínicas

Wednesday 31, March 2021

Companies will fund the hiring of 386 professionals, including physicians, nurses, physiotherapists and nursing assistants to open 56 ICU beds and 75 infirmary beds 

Faced with the increase in the number of cases and hospitalizations as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, BTG Pactual (BPAC11), the largest investment bank in Latin America, joined forces with Cosan, a holding company that invests in businesses dedicated to integrated logistics and the diversification of the Brazilian energy matrix; EDP, a company that operates in all segments of the electricity sector; and Eurofarma, a pharmaceutical multinational with 100% Brazilian capital and presence in 20 countries in Latin America, to support the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of USP (HCFMUSP) in hiring health professionals to care for patients infected with the new coronavirus. 


Together, the companies will make it possible to hire 386 professionals, including doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and nursing assistants. The reinforcement will allow for an increase in the capacity to care for patients with Covid-19 and the opening of 56 new ICU beds and 75 in the infirmary. The expectation is that the new employees, who will have their payroll funded by the four companies, will start working at Hospital das Clínicas in the coming weeks. 


This is one of a series of initiatives coordinated by BTG Pactual in the fight against the pandemic. Since last year, the bank and its partners have donated R$ 50 million to projects to combat the coronavirus, which, added to the support of partners, customers and employees, already total more than R$ 70 million in donations.


“BTG Pactual continues to be mobilized in support of measures to combat the coronavirus. Since last year, we have benefited more than 2.5 million people in 16 Brazilian states through the #NumerosQueImportam (#NumbersThatMatter) initiative. We will continue to work so that these initiatives to support health and society reach people as quickly as possible”, says the CEO of BTG Pactual, Roberto Sallouti.


“Since the beginning of the pandemic, we at the Cosan Group, together with our businesses – Raízen, Compass Gás e Energia, Comgás, Moove, Rumo and Trizy – have reinforced our commitment to society and put our capacity for contribution, management and execution to service of the country and people to help mitigate the impacts of Covid-19. Every attitude counts on this journey. We continue to provide our essential services and mobilize different resources to help society fight this pandemic, contributing to this health front that performs the most important work in this moment we are living, which is to save lives”, says Luis Henrique Guimarães, CEO of Cosan.


During the pandemic period, EDP purchased respirators and PPE for the public health network, carried out the electrical works of field hospitals and donated 350 tons of food and personal hygiene kits to needy communities, the elderly and indigenous peoples. Altogether, these initiatives benefited more than 400 thousand people in nine Brazilian states. “With this new effort, which comes at the toughest moment of the Covid-19 crisis in Brazil, EDP once again puts itself at the service of society, in line with its purpose: 'Using our energy to always take better care'. It is a donation that will alleviate the burden of the HC, a reference institution in the treatment of Covid cases and, as a consequence, benefit the population as a whole”, says João Marques da Cruz, CEO of EDP in Brazil.


For Maurizio Billi, president of Eurofarma, the company has social responsibility as a very strong value, intensified in this delicate moment that Brazil is going through. "Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have greatly expanded our efforts in humanitarian aid, with the donation of more than 100,000 food goods baskets, 800,000 units of medicines, and financial resources for the expansion of hospital beds and maintenance of treatment for cancer patients, among others. In this period, our investments totaled more than R$ 40 million and now, through this new consortium, we are going further with the hiring of health professionals to activate many beds”, says Billi. “And let's not stop there. We remain attentive and mapping the main needs of society so that we can face this battle together”.


“Investment by the private sector in health has been fundamental to guaranteeing care for the population at this critical stage of the pandemic. This resource, specifically, comes at a very important time for the HC and will make it possible to fund the shifts of health professionals recruited for Covid care, at a time when cases grow exponentially. We are very satisfied with this partnership for life”, says the superintendent of HCFMUSP, Antonio José Rodrigues Pereira.