Aneel defines EDP tariff readjustment in Espírito Santo
The factors that most impacted the calculation were the rise in the dollar and the increase in energy transmission costs
The National Agency of Electrical Energy (ANEEL) approved the new electric energy tariffs to be applied to consumer units in the EDP Espírito Santo concession area. The factors that most impacted the new tariffs were the cost of generation, influenced by the rise in the dollar, and the cost of energy transmission companies.
For residential consumer units serviced at low voltage, the adjustment will be 5.85% for electricity consumed as of August 7. The average percentage, considering small and large consumers, will be 8.02%.
The resources resulting from Decree nº 10.350, of May 18, 2020, which regulated the creation of an account for the electric sector to deal with the state of public calamity resulting from the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), contributed to EDP ES, contributed for an average reduction of 6.64% in the tariff adjustment.
Another relevant factor accounted for in the definition of the readjustment was the tariff flag, used to cover the additional costs of energy generation when hydrological conditions are not favorable. If the tariff flag mechanism did not exist, it is estimated that the average effect for the consumer would be +2.28% in relation to that determined by ANEEL.
The annual adjustment is due to the updating of costs incurred with the Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution segments, as well as with sector charges, according to regulatory provisions.
The items that most affected the readjustment were:
- 55% corresponded to the purchase of energy from Itaipu Binacional HPP, negotiated in dollars;
- 45% refer to transmission costs, to transport the electric energy from the plants to EDP's concession area in Espírito Santo.
Energy tariff
The energy tariff comprises the costs of energy generation, transmission and distribution, in addition to charges and taxes. When the monthly bill reaches the consumer, it means that he is paying the costs of the generating companies, the transmission companies, sector charges and taxes and the costs of the distribution company, which is up to EDP.
Therefore, from the value of the monthly energy bill paid by the consumer:
- 41.5% refer to costs in the energy generation and transmission segments;
- 39.5% refer to sector taxes and charges
- 19.0% are the costs of energy distribution, that is, those necessary to bring electricity to your consumer unit (part destined for EDP)
In the energy bill
With the readjustment, a residential consumer who used to pay a bill of R$ 100.00, will now pay about R$ 106.00.
For every R$ 100.00 of a monthly bill presented to the client, R$ 19.06 will be allocated to EDP ES, to cover the costs of operation, maintenance and investments in the electricity distribution network. Another R$ 41.50 will be used to pay the expenses with Generation and Transmission of energy, while the remaining R$ 39.40 will be allocated to sector charges, taxes and duties.
Investments in Espírito Santo
In the last five years, EDP has invested more than R$ 1.5 billion in investments in Espírito Santo, where the Company is responsible for generating about 4 thousand direct and indirect jobs. The Company also implemented the first autonomous system for monitoring and analyzing electrical networks in the country, using state-of-the-art drones to inspect the grids.
With the amount invested, works were carried out to expand and improve the electrical system throughout the state, construction and expansion of substations and the rehabilitation of high voltage distribution lines. Among the projects built are the Barra do Jucu (Vila Velha), Guriri (São Mateus), Atílio Vivácqua, Fazenda Guandu (Afonso Cláudio) and Domingos Martins substations in addition to the expansion of another 20 substations, including Lameirão (Guarapari), Rio Barracks (Linhares), Santa Maria (Santa Maria de Jetibá), Civit (Serra), Parati (Anchieta), Guarapari and Castelo.
The funds were also used for the construction and rehabilitation of kilometers of high, medium and low voltage distribution lines that make it possible to supply electricity to the various municipalities in Espírito Santo.
In addition, investments were made to develop projects that have become a national reference in the fight against fraud and irregularities; operational improvements; information Technology; infrastructure and customer service.
In Research and Development (R&D) and Energy Efficiency, in the last four years, EDP has contributed more than R$ 80 million in modernization and technology projects for the electrical system and benefits for communities, such as Energy Efficiency, which provided the donation to customers of more than 396 thousand LED lamps, which have low energy consumption and long duration, and Boa Energia nas Escolas, an educational program that benefited more than 130 thousand students in public schools in the state.
Social Projects and Coronavirus Combat
In 2020, EDP donated more than R$ 3 million to social projects and actions to deal with the coronavirus pandemic in Espírito Santo, benefiting more than 68 thousand families in the State. In the month of March, R$ 1 million was allocated to Santa Casa de Misericórdia in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim for the purchase of individual protection supplies, equipment and medicines for the care of Covid-19 patients.
Another 13 social projects selected through the EDP Solidária - Covid 19 call received a donation of more than R$ 700 thousand to develop actions to combat the pandemic in vulnerable communities in the State. The EDP Institute transferred the proceeds of the notice to the responsible entities. Projects focused on social assistance, food, entrepreneurship, health and personal hygiene items were prioritized.
EDP also supports and invests in 17 projects with continuous actions aimed at education, entrepreneurship, health and sport in communities in the State, such as EDP in Schools, which distributes kits to public school students, trains teachers and performs a series of activities educational activities during the school year at selected educational institutions.