EDP and Tomie Ohtake Institute open registration for the 7th EDP in the Arts Awards
On March 3, EDP, with the support of the EDP Institute, and the Tomie Ohtake Institute, will launch the edict of the 7th EDP in the Arts Awards. Entries can be made until April 3, 2020. As in the last edition, registrations must be made through the online platform. Complete information on the website www.premioedpnasartes.institutotomieohtake.org.br. The page also provides a publication in PDF format, with suggestions on the organization and presentation of works of art. This material is intended to serve as one of the possible sources of consultation regarding the process of assembling portfolios.
Designed to stimulate contemporary artistic production, the award is aimed at young artists from all over Brazil, born or residing in the country for at least two years, aged between 18 and 29 years. The initiative, in addition to the award, includes a series of activities throughout the year, such as debates and workshops, including in Brazilian regions where access to contemporary art is more restricted. The first, the “Carreira de Artista” [Artist Career] debate, takes place on March 10th, at 7:30 pm, at the Tomie Ohtake Institute, when the public will be able to interact with artists Ana Almeida, Carla Chaim and Leda Catunda and learn more about their trajectories. The admission will be free and no prior registration is required.
“The EDP Institute, since its creation twelve years ago, has as one of its main objectives to promote art and culture throughout Brazil. The EDP in the Arts award is one of the main actions of the Company on this front, stimulating the development of contemporary art and helping to reveal new generations of great artists”, reinforces Luis Carlos Gouveia Pereira, director of IEDP.
The 10 selected from the EDP in the Arts Awards receive in their studios the visit of the team of judges, who accompany the artists in the production of the works to be exhibited, a unique opportunity for young artists undergoing training. In addition to supporting the artistic path of these selected in the process of carrying out the works, this monitoring implements the criteria for choosing the three winners.
The Awards culminate with the exhibition of the works of the 10 selected at the Tomie Ohtake Institute, when, at the opening on October 1st, the three winners will be announced, who will receive scholarships to perform artistic residency abroad.
In the previous edition, in 2018, the three winners with international artistic residencies were Marie Carangi (Recife - PE, 1989); Elilson Gomes Do Nascimento (Recife - PE, 1991) and Iagor João Barbosa Peres (Rio De Janeiro - RJ, 1995).
About EDP Institute - Non-profit institution, responsible for the development and coordination of environmental and social cultural actions of EDP and its subsidiaries.
7th Energias na Arte Awards [Energies on Art]
Registration: from March 3rd to April 3rd, 2020
“Career of an Artist” round table: March 10th, at 7:30 pm, at the Tomie Ohtake Institute. With Ana Almeida, Carla Chaim and Leda Catunda. Mediation: Theo Monteiro. Free admission without the need for prior registration.
Tomie Ohtake Institute
Av. Faria Lima 201 (Entrance through Rua Coropés 88) - Pinheiros SP
Nearest subway - Faria Lima Station/Line 4 - yellow
Phone: 11 2245 1900
Tuesday to Sunday, from 11am to 8pm
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