EDP is on the spotlight in sustainability and governance awards
Company won the category “Transparency and Fighting Against Corruption” in Guia Exame and featured in the Top 5 of Época Negócios 360° yearbook
EDP, company that operates in all segments of the Brazilian electricity sector, received two important awards: best company in the “Transparency and Fighting Against Corruption” category in the Guia Exame de Sustentabilidade [Exame´s Sustainability Guide] and it is among the five best companies in Brazil in the Época Negócios 360° yearbook, which evaluates criteria such as governance, innovation, future vision, people management and social and environmental responsibility.
The Guia Exame de Sustentabilidade is the largest and most respected survey on corporate responsibility practices in the country. The 20th edition analyzed 210 companies, which answered more than 160 questions prepared by the publication in partnership with the consulting firm ABC Associados, responsible for the methodology, and professionals graduated from the corporate rankings area of the Getúlio Vergas Foundation Center for Sustainability Studies.
The publication highlighted the transparency of EDP's relationships with the market, emphasizing factors such as the quality and accuracy of the information contained in its financial statements, the consistency of the management report and adherence to accounting principles. Even though it does not trade stocks in the US capital markets, EDP follows the strict rules of the Internal Financial Reporting Control System, based on the Sarbanes-Oxley governance law of the United States. An example is the EDP Ethics channel, through which shareholders, employees, customers and suppliers may point out conduct that they deem inappropriate. The company also conducts actions such as Anti-Corruption Week, Compliance Day and specific training for employees.
Top 5
The Época Negócios 360° yearbook ranked EDP in the Top 5 of the best companies in the country. The yearbook. Prepared by Editora Globo's Época Negócios magazine, in partnership with Fundação Dom Cabral, the publication recognized the 363 best companies in Brazil based on items such as: financial health, corporate governance, innovation capacity, forward thinking, HR policies and social and environmental responsibility.
“Guia Exame de Sustentabilidade and the Época Negócios 360° yearbook are two of the most respected publications in Brazil. For us at EDP, it means a lot to be highlighted in awards that take into account aspects beyond financial performance. These recognitions reflect the excellence with which EDP seeks to carry out each of its activities,” states Dominic Schmal, EDP's Sustainability Executive Manager in Brazil.
About EDP in Brazil
With over 20 years of experience, EDP is one of the largest private companies in the electricity sector operating throughout the value chain. The company, which has over 10,000 direct and outsourced employees, operates in Generation, Distribution, Transmission, Trading and Energy Services. It has six hydroelectric and one thermoelectric generation units, and serves about 3.4 million customers through its Distributors in São Paulo and Espírito Santo. Recently, it became Celesc's main shareholder in Santa Catarina. In Brazil, it is a reference in areas such as Innovation, Governance and Sustainability, having been in the B3´s Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) for 14 consecutive years.