EDP installs more than 2,000 LED lamps in American multinational
Initiative will increase Novelis energy efficiency, generating annual savings of over R$ 1 million
EDP, a company that operates in all segments of the Brazilian electricity sector, through EDP Smart, a division that brings together the Company's energy solutions portfolio, has just implemented an important efficiency project with Novelis, the world leader in aluminum laminate and recycling. EDP replaced more than 2,000 old lamps by LED technology in the production environments and internal areas of the company's factory in Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo countryside.
The recently completed initiative will generate an energy savings of over 4,300 MWh/year, equivalent to the average annual consumption of 2,200 homes. Moreover, LED has a durability four times longer than the ordinary light bulb, considerably reducing the need for maintenance.
The project will also allow more than 1,600 tons of CO2 to cease to be released into the atmosphere over the next five years, corresponding to the removal of 90 vehicles from circulation. As if that were not enough, the initiative provides more comfort and safety to Novelis employees.
“Our energy efficiency solutions are customized to meet each customer's needs. In the case of Novelis, the proposal presented by EDP will contribute not only to cost reduction, but also to the environment and the well-being of workers. The project will save 60% on the electricity consumption of the lighting system, generating an annual savings of over R$ 1 million in the energy bill”, says Carlos Andrade, EDP Brasil's Vice President of Strategy and New Business.
In addition to the cost of the project being divided between the two companies, they signed a contract linked to a performance model, according to which EDP's remuneration will correspond to a percentage of the savings obtained with the highest efficiency. LED technology delivers the same amount of light or more, consuming up to 75% less energy than sodium lamps. “We hope this first partnership will open new doors. We want to establish a long-term relationship”, concludes Andrade.
“With the implementation of this energy efficiency project we have shown that it is possible to improve the quality of the factory lighting and yet be more efficient. We are in line with our purpose of, together, creating a sustainable world", says Daniel Freire, Novelis South America VP of Operations.
See other successful cases
- GRUPO AVENIDA: The project developed for one of the largest fashion chains in Brazil had an investment of R$ 8.8 million from EDP to exchange 60 thousand old lamps by LED technology in all the Group's stores in the 11 states where the retailer operates.
- MAKRO: energy efficiency project that implemented improvements in 78 wholesale stores. With the investment of R$ 60 million, the chain reduced energy consumption in lighting by up to 55%.
- COSTA DO SAUÍPE: performed at the Costa do Sauípe hotel complex in Bahia, the project consisted of the modernization of the air conditioning system of two hotels in the tourist complex, with automation and retrofit of chillers and motor pumps. At the end of the remodeling, an annual decrease of 2,965 MWh was detected, about 34% higher than projected.
Environmental commitment
EDP Brasil is committed in offering energy efficient products and services to reduce its customers' energy consumption. To date, around 138 GWh have already been saved, which has prevented the emission of approximately 77,874 tons of CO2.
The commitment was made to the United Nations (UN) at the last Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 21 in Paris), and the commitment to energy efficiency and distributed generation services is part of this shared responsibility with EDP's partners.
About EDP
With over 20 years of experience, EDP is one of the largest private companies in the electricity sector operating throughout the value chain. The Company, which has over 10,000 direct and outsourced employees, operates in Transmission, Trading and Energy Services and has six hydroeletric generation units and one thermal power station. On Distribution, it serves around 3.5 million customers in São Paulo and Espírito Santo. Recently, it became CELESC's main shareholder in Santa Catarina. In Brazil, it is a reference in areas such as Innovation, Governance and Sustainability, having been in the B3´s Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) for 13 consecutive years.
About Novelis
Novelis Inc. is the world leader in aluminum laminate and recycling. The Company operates in 10 countries, has approximately 11,100 professionals and had revenues of R$ 11.5 billion in the financial year of 2018. Novelis supplies premium aluminum sheets and foil to the transportation, packaging, construction, industry and electronics markets through units in North America, Europe, Asia and South America. Novelis is a subsidiary of Hindalco Industries Limited, a leader in the aluminum and copper industry, and the leading metals company of the AdityaBirla Group, a multinational conglomerate based in Mumbai, India. For more information, visit novelis.com and follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/NovelisBrasil and LinkedIn.
About Novelis América do Sul
In Brazil, Novelis has lamination activities in Pindamonhangaba and Santo André/SP. The local operation involves about 1,500 professionals and achieved revenues of R$ 1.9 billion in the last financial year. The Company maintains nine scrap collection centers throughout the country and has the largest aluminum lamination and recycling center in South America.
The Pinda plant was launched in 1977 and has about 1,100 professionals. The unit is considered one of the largest aluminum lamination and recycling complexes in the world.
Sobre a EDP
Com mais de 20 anos de atuação, a EDP é uma das maiores empresas privadas do setor elétrico a operar em toda a cadeia de valor. A Companhia, que tem mais de 10 mil colaboradores diretos e terceirizados, atua em Transmissão, Comercialização e Serviços de Energia, e possui seis unidades de geração hidrelétrica e uma termelétrica. Em Distribuição, atende cerca de 3,5 milhões de clientes em São Paulo e no Espírito Santo. Recentemente, tornou-se a principal acionista da CELESC, em Santa Catarina. No Brasil, é referência em áreas como Inovação, Governança e Sustentabilidade, estando há 13 anos consecutivos no Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial (ISE) da B3.
Sobre a Novelis
A Novelis Inc. é líder mundial em laminados e reciclagem de alumínio. A Empresa opera em 10 países, possui aproximadamente 11.100 profissionais e teve receita de US$11,5 bilhões no ano fiscal de 2018. A Novelis fornece chapas e folhas de alumínio premium para os mercados de transportes, embalagens, construção civil, indústria e para produtos eletrônicos por meio de unidades na América do Norte, Europa, Ásia e América do Sul. A Novelis é uma subsidiária da Hindalco Industries Limited, líder na indústria do alumínio e cobre, e principal empresa no ramo de metais do Grupo AdityaBirla, um conglomerado multinacional sediado em Mumbai, na Índia. Para mais informações, acesse novelis.com e siga-nos no Facebook em facebook.com/NovelisBrasil e no LinkedIn aqui.
Sobre a Novelis América do Sul
No Brasil, a Novelis possui atividades de laminação em Pindamonhangaba e Santo André/SP. A operação local envolve cerca de 1.500 profissionais e alcançou receita de US$ 1,9 bilhão no último ano fiscal. A Empresa mantém nove centros de coleta de sucata espalhados pelo País e conta com o maior centro de laminação e reciclagem de alumínio da América do Sul.
A fábrica de Pinda foi inaugurada em 1977 e conta com cerca de 1.100 profissionais. A unidade é considerada um dos maiores complexos de laminação e reciclagem de alumínio do mundo.