EDP offers R$ 5.8 million in Public Call for Energy Efficiency
The goal is to promote the fight against waste and reduce energy consumption in the concession area managed by EDP; candidates can enroll at www.edp.com.br
EDP, an electrical energy distributor from the Alto Tietê, Vale do Paraiba and the North Coast of Sao Paulo regions, has initiated a Public Call for energy efficiency projects. In 2018, the company will provide a total of R$ 5.8 million to promote projects focusing on rational electricity use and conservation, which the Distributor will invest next year.
The initiatives must offer private and public benefits, supporting transformation via energy efficiency, stimulating development of new technologies and creating habits and practices that bolster the rational energy use.
EDP’s Public Call will support initiatives by corporations and individuals looking to improve or replace networks, equipment or control systems in order to reduce energy consumption at homes, commerce, industries, public and private buildings, public hospitals and charitable entities, by street lighting, and in other areas.
The previous edition of the Public Call provided benefits such as the modernization of the lighting system at the Jesus, Jose e Maria Hospital, in Guarulhos, at the Vale do Paraíba University - UNIVAP, in Sao Jose dos Campos, and at buildings used by the Association of Parents and Friends of the Disabled (APAE) in ten cities across the concession area, in addition to the Community Efficiency Project that replaced 60 thousand higher-consumption light bulbs from residential customers for LED lights, in 2018.
Categories and project application deadline
Improved facilities, incentivized energy sources and solar heating | Industrial | R$ 700,000.00 |
Improved facilities, Incentivized Energy Sources and Solar Heating | Residential | R$ 1,000,000.00 |
Improved facilities, Incentivized Energy Sources and Solar Heating | Public Hospitals and Charitable Entities | R$ 1,000,000.00 |
Improved facilities, Incentivized Energy Sources and Solar Heating | Commerce and Services, Government, Rural and Public Services. | R$ 800,000.00 |
Improved facilities | Street Lighting | R$ 2,300,000.00 |
For further information, please visit the EDP website at: www.edp.com.br. Those who wish to participate must visit the EDP website to read the Public Call for Projects notice and submit their applications before 5 pm on January 18, 2019.
Projects will be assessed in accordance to the criteria established in the CPP 001/2018 notice and assessed by a panel of judges made up of EDP employees. The Public Call is organized by the Energy Efficiency Program - PEE, part of EDP in São Paulo, and regulated by the National Electrical Energy Agency – ANEEL.
Public Call for Projects 2018 - EDP in Sao Paulo
EDP Website: www.edp.com.br
Direct link to the Public Call - information, call notice and project submission: https://edpsp.gestaocpp.com.br