In 2018, the EDP Institute announces support for new projects in Espírito Santo

Friday 09, February 2018

Entity initiatives were selected by means of an evaluation and include actions in the regions where the Company operates in the State

Vit—ria, February 09, 2018 - In 2018, six new educational, sport-oriented and income-generating projects will be discussed at the EDP Institute, an organization that for 10 years manages social and environmental actions of the EDP Group, in Esp’rito Santo. The programs will add up to another six ones which continue at full steam in the state.

"We want to support more and more initiatives that promote human and social development. That is why, this year, we focus our partnership in actions and people that make society better and give an opportunity for the balanced and sustainable growth of communities in which we operate, "explains Paulo Ramicelli, board advisor of the EDP Institute.

Check out some projects:

Made in Vit—ria, Vila Velha and Viana, in the distribution area of EDP Esp’rito Santo, the project A Grande Sacada, idealized by the by the Esp’rito Santo Volleyball Federation, offers free of charge beach volleyball classes for over 500 children and teenagers from the region.

Martial arts are also prominent in actions supported by the Institute. Judo for Life in Serra, in the vicinity of Energest, serves 60 children and teenagers, disseminating the culture of the sport as a vector of social and economic development.

The partnership with the Vale do Castelo Friends Association (SAVAC), in the project Recovery of springs: disposal and treatment of effluents, domains, will implement improvements in the cities of Castelo, Concei‹o do Castelo and Muniz Freire to protect the waters from contamination, besides forming environmentally rural producers.

In the same line there is Doces Nascentes Capixabas, within the Olhos Dçgua program,of the Instituto Terra,which recovers and protects the Hydrographic of the Rio Doce.The actions range from reforestation and insulation of springs,to direct technical assistance to the small rural producer,so that they become a partner and promote the protection of natural resources. /p>

Get to know the projects approved in the EDP Edict 2018 in Esp’rito Santo:

Project / NGO Description Area of activity

The Grande Sacada / Volleyball Spirit Federation Opens the practice of beach volleyball for children and adolescents Vit—ria, Vila Velha and Viana / Esp’rito Santo Doces Nascentes Capixabas (Olhos de u00e1gua) / Instituto Terra Promotes the recovery and conservation of water resources Baixo Guandu / Esp’rito Santo Engrigamento Gurigica / Instituto EDP Capacity building to strengthen the role of local leaders in their communities Vit—ria / Esp’rito Santo FIA - SECRI and Instituto Jo‹o XXIII / SECRI Provides social and educational activities for residents of 24 neighborhoods in the city of Vit—ria Vit—ria / Esp’rito Santo Judo for Life / Family Intervention Association of Esp’rito Santo Dissemination of sport culture as a vector of social and economic development Serra / Esp’rito Santo Restoration of springs in the municipality of Castelo: disposal and treatment of household effluents / Society of Friends of Vale do Castelo (SAVAC) Protection, conservation and environmental recovery of rivers, besides forming rural producers Castelo, Concei‹o do Castelo and Muniz Freire / Esp’rito Santo

Get to know the ongoing projects of IEDP in Esp’rito Santo:

Project / NGO Description Area of activity

Community Banks / Ideas Atelier Provides low-income families with low-cost solar heaters Vit—ria, Vila Velha, Cariacica, Serra and Pedro Can‡rio / Esp’rito Santo Saber Viver / Friends of Justice Association Citizenship, Education and Art Strengthens ties with family, school and community and follows the school performance of participants Aracruz / Esp’rito Santo Volleyball Life / Association of Residents of the Guaranhuns Neighborhood Uses sports to promote respect, love, community, integration and socialization of children and teenagers Vila Velha / Esp’rito Santo Caravana do Esporte e Artes / Instituto Esporte & Educa‹o Contributes to the formation of children and teenagers through the reflection on the importance of the practices of the sport AP, SP and ES EDP in the Schools / EDP Institute Improvement of the student life quality of primary school students in public schools SP, ES, AP, BA, CE, RN, RS, SC and TO Entrepreneurial Education / Dreamshaper Promotes entrepreneurship in the classroom of SP and ES

Participants in the selection process were initiatives approved by the Laws of Federal Incentive in the areas of Culture (Rouanet Law / Culture - No. 8,133 / 91), Sport (Sport - N¼ 11.438 / 06) and Health (PRONON / Saœde - N.¼ Law 12.715 / 12, for Oncology).

To learn more about the EDP Institute, visit: