Contribute to the strengthening of public health policies and society well-being
Work Fronts

Public Health
Programs focused on the improvement of public health infrastructure in Brazil.

Provides support to projects focused on the sensibilization and access to a healthy lifestyle.

Vulnerable Communities
Health and well-being projects to support low-income communities, indigenous, quilombolas and elderly people.
Accelerate a fair energy transition, based on clean and accessible energy for all.
Work Fronts

New Frontiers
New products and services looking for an low carbon transition in communities.

Climate Risks
Identification of climate risks in all vulnerable communities in the area where IEDP operates.

Income Growth
Projects with low carbon tecnologies that provides income growth for those involved.
To promote education as tool for devolpment and social inclusion
Work Fronts

Environmental Education
Projects that provides content aimed at environmental emergence and shortage of resources.

Digital Inclusion
Acess to tecnology and distance education, providing digital inclusion in 100% of the schools attended by IEDP.

Training for Educators
Develop social and emotional skills for educators.
To preserve, provide access and promote art and culture as a vehicle of transformation to the society
Work Fronts

Portuguese Language
Preservation of the linguistic heritage and lusophone culture.

Art and Culture
Incentive to local peripheral artists.

Use of music as a way of inclusion and promotion of social development.