
EDP Institute intervention areas

Amapá - Towns in the vicinity of Cachoeira Caldeirão and Laranjal do Jari plants.

Ceará - Towns in the vicinity of Pecém TPP

Espirito Santo - Towns in the vicinity of EDP plants or served by EDP Escela: 70 towns.

Pará - Towns in the vicinity of the Santo Antônio do Jari HPP plant and communities along the Arapiuns River.

Rio Grande do Norte - Towns in the vicinity of the EDP Renováveis wind farm construction site: Jandaira and Porozinho.

Rio Grande do Sul - Town where the EDP Renováveis wind farm is located: Tramandaí.

São Paulo - Towns served by EDP SP: 28 towns in Alto-Tietê, Vale do Paraíba, and Litoral Norte.

Tocatins - Towns in the vicinity of the Investco and Enerpeixe plants.