During an big cultural change that have begin at the end of 2014, EDP Brasil encouraged all the collaborators to create, toghether, something that they all share. EDP Culture Project brougt the proposal of use our energy to care always better and also contributed for the construction of the 12 principles that guides all the workers of the Group.

This new cenário that, today, reflects the values of more than 3 thousand workers, brings new knowlegdes and experiences with space for solidarity and empathy. With all this changes, EDP has confirmed tha empathy can, and must, been stimulated, and volunteering is one of the best ways to learn it in practice. At EDP we believe that volunteering encourage people and give sense to our work, with different talents and skiils envolved to help other people and communitys where EDP operates.
We look for social inclusion, thats why we both work  social and skill volunteering , stimulating, as well, that families, friends and clients work together with our volunteers.

The main goals of the Volunteering Program at EDP are:
•    Develop skills 
•    Strengthen solidarity between workers;
•    Strenght Social Responsability culture;
•    Strenght causes importants for our workers;
•    Work together with communitys where we operate;
•    Position as na example for Social Responsability;
•    Contribute for Sustainable Devolpment;
•    Achive the Sustainable Goals of EDP Group.

Currently, volunteering activities are divided into five main fronts:
•    Global Campaings: Volunteering in all the locations where EDP Group operates;
•    My Cause: We support causes that our collaborators brings into the Group;
•    Skill Volunteering: We share our knowledge in the energy sector with schools, NGOs and communitys.
•    Environmental Volunteering
•    “Conexão do Bem”: We stimulate and provide team volunteering 

In global terms, the number of volunteers has grown to 3915 in 2019, representing 24% of the total workers of the Group. Together they dedicated 36551 hours to volunteering.
