EDP’s laboratory-truck arrives in Muqui where it will host over 3,200 students

Thursday 04, April 2019

The attraction is part of the Good Energy in Schools project, which aims to teach people about how to use electricity safely and efficiently

At the travelling truck which is part of the Good Energy in Schools project organized by EDP, an energy distributor from Espírito Santo, will visit schools in Muqui, a city in the state’s southern region. The mobile education unit will teach more than 3.2 thousand children who study in the municipal public school system how to use electricity properly.

At the initiative addresses issues related to about safe and efficient use of electricity, teaching primary school students in a playful and entertaining manner. At the laboratory-truck, students will take part in a series of experiments and gain practical experience in a number of areas, such as protecting natural resources, types of energy generation, safety when flying kites near the power grid and how to make the best use of electrical equipment.

“The Good Energy in Schools program visits municipal schools across the state and aims to train teachers and guide students towards changing their habits and attitudes towards energy waste, while also teaching them about rational use and how to protect the environment in a sustainable manner”, said Afonso Celso da Silva, executive manager at EDP.

Inside the truck

At the mobile education unit is a medium-sized, customized truck equipped with a television to show educational videos and virtual reality goggles, also offering various experiments involving electricity and a scale model simulating a household’s energy consumption.

Children who visit the unit will be accompanied by a team of uniformed assistants who are trained to convey basic information about electrical energy and the paths it takes to people’s homes, as well as the best way to use electricity safely and avoid waste.

At the project is part of the company’s Energy Efficiency Program (PEE); it uses the PROCEL Education methodology and is regulated by ANEEL (National Electrical Energy Agency).

Check out the attractions featured in the laboratory-truck:

Interactive panel and model home - a panel showing the main rooms and household appliances simulating energy consumption;

360º Virtual Reality goggles and video - the virtual reality goggles allow people to watch an educational and interactive video showing the paths electricity takes;

Van der Graff Generator - has a hair-raising effect on anyone who touches the dome, insulated from earth, because their hair becomes electrified with charges of the same polarity, which in turn repel one another;

Plasma Globe - when someone touches the light bulb above the illuminated zone, the whole path between the bulb and the user’s hands will also light up as the person becomes an electrical conductor, drawing the current to their hand;

Nerve Test - the challenge is to complete course without touching the wire. If the ring touches the wire, the circuit will close and activate a lamp and a buzzer;

Manual Generator - student rotate a crank that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy. The energy produced will light LED light bulbs;

Study Group for Solar Energy Transformation - A photovoltaic cell receives solar energy which is then transformed into electrical energy. The energy produced will spin a colored disc, also known as a Newton disc, producing a visual effect as it turns. The disc is completely white when spinning, which is explained by the visual persistence of our eyes;