EDP and the Social Skate NGO sponsor the “Harvest Festival” at Alto Tietê

Friday 07, September 2018

On next Sunday (09), the Social Skate NGO will join volunteers from EDP, an electrical energy distributor servicing the Alto Tietê, Vale do Paraiba and the Sao Paulo north coast regions, to sponsor the “Harvest Festival” at the Community Vegetable Gardens planted under the company’s transmission lines at the Calmon Viana community.

This celebration represents the end of an ongoing issue for the project since the Community Vegetable Gardens program began: illegal waste disposal in the area around the gardens. Working with the Poa City Hall, the NGO has been granted the surrounding area for the next 25 years, where it can now build new recreational areas for the community.

Festival attendees will be invited to enjoy dishes prepared using vegetables harvested during the festival. Sport lovers will also have fun, as the NGO will supply skateboards and protective equipment for use at the venue. The event will have musical performances and areas where graffiti artists can decorate the walls around the Garden with spray paint supplied by EDP.

At the Community Vegetable Gardens program is an initiative organized by the Cidade Sem Fome NGO and sponsored by EDP via the EDP Institute, an association that manages the Company’s social and environmental initiatives. The program aims to promote healthy eating and boost the local economy. Several types of food have been planted at the site, including lettuce, tomato, artichoke, bell pepper, cabbage and many others. The project provides training for family farmers taking part in the initiative and provides technical support throughout the entire planting process. 

Harvest Festival

Date: Sunday, September 09

Atime: 9 am to 2 pm

Address: Rua Guaraciba s/nº - Calmon Viana, Poá

About EDP and IEDP

Based on financial discipline and a tight focus on its business, EDP Brazil is a widely recognized company operating on an integrated basis across all areas of the Brazilian energy market, including Production, Distribution, Trading and Solutions in Electrical Energy and moving into the Transmission area in 2016. The Company currently has around three thousand employees and assets in eight states, including a national presence with EDP Solutions, EDP Trading and EDP Solar.

At the EDP Institute is responsible for structuring the Company’s social investments and initiatives, focusing on areas linked to promoting the Portuguese Language, education and local development alongside income generation, entrepreneurship and volunteering through sports, culture and health. Altogether, 31 projects were approved in 2016, benefitting 44 thousand people.